• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • but the room two rooms down is always occupied, for eternity. If you were to instruct everyone to pack their bags, exit in exactly 10 minutes and move two rooms up, you’re always going to have people being late and not vacating the room, so you’ll be dealing with people at reception complaining that they don’t have a room, or that there’s someone in their room. If you’re telling people (or indeed boulders) to move into occupied rooms anyway, then just tell sis & boulder to move into the first two rooms without moving anyone. If you’re not, then wait for someone to check out, as they’d have to wait for a nondeterminate length of time anyway.

  • LLMs have a very predictable and consistent approach to grammar, punctuation, style and general cadence which is easily identifiable when compared to human written content. It’s kind of a watermark but it’s one the creators are aware of and are seeking to remove. That means if you want to use LLMs as a writing aid of any sort and want it to read somewhat naturally, you’ll have to either get it to generate bullet points and expand on them yourself, or get it to generate the content then rewrite it word for word in a style you’d write it in.

  • “Most historical settings”

    Roman sure, especially as you get closer to Africa but nonzero elsewhere also

    Middle ages, mediæval and renaissance almost certainly limited to higher nobility households either as nobles or “interesting” servants or major trading ports, especially closer to Africa.

    The chances of a mediæval serf in a germanic country not looking northern Europe, or Mediterranean at a huge stretch, are functionally zero though, as anyone who came with the Romans will have been long dead with their genetics widely dispersed, and anyone who came over recently would likely be in an urban area, with marriage or higher level employment being their only chance to end up in a rural area.

  • From speaking to Russians the overwhelming majority of people, especially in rural areas but also to a great extent in cities, probably correctly believe that elections are a waste of time because they’re not going to change the status quo or I guess if someone else is elected create a power struggle, so people just vote for the incumbent as they don’t want to cause trouble - the national attitude is “there’s nothing you can do about it”

    While that’s very different from supporting Putin, it’s still intending to vote for him from a pollster’s point of view, so even in third party polls his “support” is going to appear higher than it is as they’re not measuring that, they’re measuring number of votes

  • > items decaying due to not being cared for > items being actively destroyed because people don’t care about them (Elgin Marbles moment, if they hadn’t been stolen they would’ve been pulverised to make building materials and yet now Greece are crying for them back) > items being actively destroyed for political reasons

    There are huge amounts of things in Western museums that were looted, stolen, or otherwise illegitimately acquired (Koh I Noor among other things), but equally a lot of stuff was a case of “eh we don’t want it so if you’re going to pay for it in cash we’ll snap your hand off” - if you took something valued by the people then yeah you should give it back, but if you saved something unwanted from getting destroyed then I think the moral high ground is with the museum when they get a request for it to be returned

  • I had to call the electricity company to resolve a fucking clusterfuck of their making the other day (long story short my electricity meter is faulty), and after 3-4 calls I got to someone who said “jesus christ” after I explained my situation and how they’d made it worse trying to resolve it…

    She didn’t fix it, it’s still not fully fixed after a further 4 days including 29 hours without power, but gee did I feel like I was speaking to a fellow human who was trying to help in that conversation above all others I had with them

  • If you’re a germaphobe then surely you should know that 100% salt is enough to yeet literally any microorganism to the back of beyond; in fact anything over 30% is

    That lamp is more hygienic than your dinner plate, more than the inside of any food package and infinitely more than your hands even after you’ve just washed them

  • One reason is that Epic are very dismissive of Linux, while Steam go out of their way to be supportive and GOG are supportive when it’s convenient

    Another is trying to lock games into exclusives with them, which other distribution platforms don’t do so much

    That said, if you don’t play games without cross platform multiplayer and don’t care about Linux support or see yourself caring any time soon, there’s not a huge reason to push you towards steam and away from epic. GOG is more of an anti-DRM thing, however barring sales the price and the cut for the devs is identical on all of them and it’s the same game aside from DRM.