Looking for an alternative to reddit

  • 38 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • Shit, even going from a semi active lifestyle to a 9-5 office job will add a belly if you’re not hitting the gym.

    Only if you keep eating as you did before. People don’t change their diets as they get older. They seem unaware / not caring that the belly will come otherwise.

    I think it’s partly just being OK with getting fat. If you are not attractive anymore anyway because of age, may as well enjoy whatever food you like. And if you are in a relationship, both partners are probably OK with looking not so great anymore as they age.

  • Everything is fucking star trek, linux, and communism. The only women here are trans women.

    100% agree on this, and I guess it’s because nerds are the first ones to discover and use new tech. It also gives a sense of real community since everyone speaks the same language. But of course this means that people outside the circle will wonder what the fuck is going on. :)

    About teenagers and people attacking you, yeah, that’s how some of them are. I get comments where they intentionally misunderstand something just to be able to copy/paste some default snarky response, because that’s how they have fun feeling superior. :).

    It’s never original because they are not very bright, it’s just quotes and oneliners they saw online and now they use them because they like them. Doesn’t bother me, I just don’t respond and continue in other threads instead. I honestly just smile about it and move on. You should try it.

    You have to realize that lemmy is just entertainment and some people get entertained if they can make you upset and angry.