Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib refused to apologize Wednesday for saying on Tuesday that Israel is to blame for the hospital explosion that day in Gaza, an accusation that sparked political backlash against her from Republicans as Israel denies fault.

Tlaib joined thousands of protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza during a solidarity rally hosted by the left-leaning group Jewish Voice for Peace at the National Mall. She was visibly emotional, at times pausing her speech to openly weep and criticizing lawmakers who have not backed a ceasefire resolution.

    11 months ago

    If you said black people were too incompetent to free themselves from slavery you'd be racist.

    If you say Palestinians are too incompetent to win any wars then you're racist.

    Nope, that's a factual statement. Stating facts isn't racist. Racism involves subjective bias. What I said was, the Palestinian people are unable or unwilling to teach their children to want peace, so this war, like the wars before it, is the consequence. If your enemy raises their children to be soldiers, you destroy their soldiers.

    So might is right. If the Nazis won world war two, do you think they should be allowed to do what ever the fuck they want to conquered peoples because they won?

    No, might does not make right, but it does decide the outcome. Israel has the might, and Palestinians keep attacking them. Fuck around and find out. Israel will not allow Palestinians to endlessly attack their citizens and threaten their nation. Now they're going to do something about it, so keep crying the team you like threw punches and picked a fight with someone they can't win against. I, for one, am not crying.

    You keep saying palestinian children are threats and Israel should be allowed to destroy any threat even if its not imminent (contradicting international law but hey ho) then saying oh but children aren't actually being targeted, they're just dying in large numbers because of IDF whoopsies.

    You realize children grow up into Hamas fighters and they're still somebody's child? I wasn't talking about literal children. I'm saying that is somebody's child running around with an AK going door to door murdering Israeli civilians. The Palestinian people, if they cared about the life of their children, could have raised them to want peace. They failed. Now their children are soldiers, and for that, they've set their children up to die. That's on the Palestinians, not on Israel. Peace will come when the Palestinians love their children and care for their future more than they hate Jews and Israel.