One of the most aggravating things to me in this world has to be the absolutely rampant anti-intellectualism that dominates so many conversations and debates, and its influence just seems to be expanding. Do you think there will ever actually be a time when this ends? I'd hope so once people become more educated and cultural changes eventually happen, but as of now it honestly infuriates me like few things ever have.

    1 year ago

    You're literally defending anti-intellectualist dumbshits throughout the thread. Most of your posts are vitriolic. You came in here with an attitude, and when others called you out on it, you assaulted them with the same tired old thought-terminating cliches and personal attacks every anti-intellectualist abuses others with. It's old, it's tiresome, it's destructive, and you really really need to go do something better with your time on this earth than enabling people to be stupid with no social consequences.

    The mark of an intellectual! Making bold statements without evidence then suppressing any discussion of that lack of evidence.

    Maybe instead of bemoaning how little effort others are putting into understanding things, you should forge ahead with your own work.

    It just means you’re tossing your hands up at the complexity of understanding something. Not a very disciplined approach to understanding for the 1% Intellectual in the room.

    You're doing it everywhere. And you don't realize what you're doing because you don't think about what you're saying, and you don't think about what you're saying because you don't care about the truth. Like all anti-intellectuals.

    Well, the rest of us do, and we have a country to run and lives to live. You need to go touch grass. We'll simply move on without you.