The congresswoman quipped that in attempting to avert a shutdown Republicans were “run[ning] around the House like a Roomba, until they found a door that House Democrats opened”

    1 year ago

    I'm of the opinion that waiting until the last possible moment is an intentional feature (in general) and NOT an accident or indicator of incompetence. Bare with me here, because I DO agree there's a lot of incompetence, but also …

    They are constantly testing the political winds, the media coverage, the social media reactions, and very much so, their donor's reactions to all of the other reactions. So they float balloons, see what happens, adjust, rinse repeat.

    Or said another way, the public and private outrages are a feature, not a bug. How else would they know how far they can push things. It fucking sucks, and is a horrible way to govern, and my take makes them even scummier.