I’ve been searching and searching and haven’t found much at all. I’m wondering if there’s an AppImage desktop store or manager or whatever you wanna call it? Specifically for Fedora, but I dont think that matters with app images. I downloaded the NX Linux app image store, so I’ll tinker with that for a bit. Please let me know if there are options out there
Store-like: Appimage Pool
Manage : Gear Lever
Thanks alot
Gear Lever: https://flathub.org/apps/it.mijorus.gearlever
I love that there is a flatpak to manage appimages. I didn't see it on their github, but surely they offer an appimage right? Such that it could bootstrap/update itself? Otherwise thats pretty ironic.
P.s. I'm cool with both flatpak and appimages, only poking fun.
Does Gear Lever download appimages as well?
Or is it just a manager for manually downloaded appimages?
Only manage local installations, no automatic updates
Perfect, thanks
Awaiting answers for the same question!