I just attached a new volume to my vps and usually I follow the instructions provided using parted
and mkfs.ext4
but I decided to try ZFS.
The guides I’ve found online are all very different and I’m not sure if I did everything correct to know the data will be safe.
What I mean is running lsblk -o name,size,fstype,type,mountpoint
shows this
vdb 100G disk
└─vdb1 100G ext4 part /mnt/storage
vdc 100G disk
├─vdc1 100G part
└─vdc9 8M part
You can see the type and mountpoint of the previous volume are listed, but the ZFS’ ones aren’t.
Still I can properly access the ZFS pool I created and I also already copied some test data.
root@vps:~/services# zpool list
local-zfs 99.5G 6.88G 92.6G - - 0% 6% 1.00x ONLINE -
root@vps:~/services# zfs list
local-zfs 6.88G 89.5G 6.88G /mnt/zfs
The commands I ran were these ones
parted -s /dev/vdc mklabel gpt
parted -s /dev/vdc unit mib mkpart primary 0% 100%
zpool create -o ashift=12 -O canmount=on -O atime=off -O recordsize=8k -O compression=lz4 -O mountpoint=/mnt/zfs local-zfs /dev/vdc
Does this look good?
Should I do something else? (like writing something to fstab)
The list of properties is very long, is there any one you recommend I should look into for a simple server where currently non-critical data is stored?
(I already have a separate backup solution, maybe I’ll check to update it later)
I don't think there's anything intrinsically wrong, but far as I can see you are using only a single disk for the zfs pool, which will give you integrity checks (know when something is corrupted), but no way to fix it.
Since this is, by today's standards, a tiny disk at 100G, I assume this is just a test setup? I'm not sure zfs is particularly well suited for virtual machines, I think it is better to have the host handle the physical data integrity by having the disk image on a zfs filesystem, or giving the VM a zfs volume (block device) directly.
On FreeBSD, since v12 came out, it is now recommended to use zfs everywhere, including on virtual machines. I don't know about linux.
Ubuntu and many other distros do not come with ZFS support out of the box due to licensing, so it is not recommended to use ZFS for the root filesystem.
Ubuntu has ZFS on root as one of the options in the normal graphical installer. I have it running on multiple machines.
This must have changed with 23.04 or something then, because when I set up my home server a little over a year ago, ZFS as root was not only not a part of the install, but also heavily recommended against as something that could be hacked in. Basically you could do it, but you shouldn't was my impression. I ended up doing EXT4 as root, then mounted my ZFS storage in my home directory.