• LovingHippieCat@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    I don’t think this article is good journalism. The guy is taking the very incorrect polling from 2016 and 2020 and claiming that because Harris isn’t at that level of incorrect polling and that her lead is only 1-2 points that that means she’s losing bad. Which completely disregards how inaccurate polls have been since roe was overturned. They were predicting a 30 seat swing in 2022 and that was no where close. It also doesn’t take into account the amount of polls that are far right rigged polls to try and flood the averages to make it seem like Trump is so far ahead that he will naturally win and they will only lose by cheating. Providing cover to challenge the election when he loses.

    Also. This quote is near the end. “Democrats have only two hopes. One is that today’s polls are more accurately gauging the electorate, and that Harris is therefore at least close to where she needs to be. The other is that by suddenly coming out of hiding to take friendly interviews, she can convince an electorate that seems unconvinced.” Which is. Just. So fucking stupid. Openly saying one of the reasons things are closer with the polls being at least a bit more accurate than 2020 and 2016, and then saying Harris has just recently “Come out of hiding”? That’s just bullshit far right talking points. She’s been doing interviews and rallies for well over a month as well as the debate that was a bit over a month ago. This is the same shit as when someone says “but what about her policies? She’s been so vague” which is also bs because if you want to know her policies all you have to do is LISTEN to her. But of course gotta have the far right talking point of her not being able to explain her policies.

    This article was also written by J.T. Young who is the author of the upcoming book, “Unprecedented Assault: How Big Government Unleashed America’s Socialist Left” so if that doesn’t tell you his leanings for the interpretation he’s putting forth then nothing will.

    But just in case, here’s some of his articles from the Washington Examiner “Why’s Harris so bad in interviews?”, Democrats need to replace their own radicalization, not sotomayor", “Sorry Joe, you’re no capitalist.”, and “Biden has no right to take credit for slowing inflation”.

    Oh and some of his The Federalist articles “Trump should hit biden for completely ignoring the fentanyl problem”, “Leftists’ open borders and defund-police policies have come home to roost”, and “Trump assassination attempts are the logical result of the Lefts Marxist ‘Oppresion’ narrative”.

    All those articles are from the last 4 years, some past couple months. Bu what I find interesting about this particular article is it shows just how much the far right has invaded the mainstream media and how they are given a platform to spew their propaganda. But hey, this was an “interesting” article.