Hello, we would like to find out where our cousin, who recently started secondary school, is located. Additionally, we wish to set hourly restrictions on the apps they can access. Privacy is a concern when it comes to technologies created by large tech companies. Do you have any recommendations for Microsoft Family alternatives that prioritize maintaining privacy? Thank you.

    • @cjf@feddit.uk
      610 months ago

      That’s more point in time location sharing rather than real time.

      I see “real time” I think it updates where I am on a map for as long as I’ve specified, similar to what WhatsApp and telegram do.

      It’s a feature I’d really like in signal, though.

      • hellstabberOP
        110 months ago

        I think this feature is not available in Signal's iOS app, I didn't see it when I looked

    • hellstabberOP
      210 months ago

      TICE is exactly what I needed, thank you! It seems to make sense to use NextDNS for application restriction solution