Ramaswamy, who has called himself an environmentalist while also being a staunch proponent of fracking and using fossil fuels in addition to carbon-free energy like nuclear, explained his position on climate change and policies to address rising global temperatures, telling Davis in the interview on Monday night that he believes the “climate change agenda” is a “hoax … more about pushing global equity” and deferring to China.

“I think that with due respect … ‘Do you believe in climate change?’ is not really a meaningful question because climate change has existed as long as the Earth has existed,” he said. “Do I believe it is a fact that global surface temperatures are rising over the course of the last century of the last half century? Yes, I think that that is an established fact.”

But, as president, he would not take action to address the warming of the planet, he said.

Ramaswamy was pressed by Davis in light of past mass shootings by “self-identified white supremacists,” such as the gunman who attacked a predominantly Black church in South Carolina in 2015.

He has been vocal about what he contends is a counteractive focus on race, including through affirmative action and race-conscious policies that seek to address longstanding disparities in areas like university admissions.

Ramaswamy said in Iowa in August that Juneteenth, which marks the emancipation of slaves in the U.S., is a “useless holiday” federalized “under political duress.” Weeks earlier, he posted a video saying “Happy Juneteenth” and “we ought to celebrate how far we’ve come as a country.”

  • MedicatedMaybe@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I get what you are saying and I think everyone is just so angry and that makes them defensive. The only path a lot of people see is thru the system we have and making change with in it. So the best path to that change is the democratic party and people are sick of hearing the argument that they are just the same. They aren't the same at all. However just because the other political part is irredeemable doesn't mean we can't be critical of "our" side. The Democrats are an obvious better choice but they still have a lot of problems that need to be addressed. We just need to make sure we keep what democracy we have and work to make it stronger.