Ballard became more of a known quantity after the release of the movie Sound of Freedom, a dramatization of his mission in which he was played by actor Jim Caviezel. Critics of the film have argued that Ballard’s claims about his accomplishments have been “dramatically overstated or without clear documentary evidence.”

    1 year ago

    My problem is that the movie proclaimed itself to be bringing light to sex trafficking which everyone already knows and acknowledges as a problem, while dramatizing it to the point that it veered dangerously close to QAnon conspiracy and more importantly, didn't portray the problem of child sex trafficking accurately.

    This is all side stepping the fact that "protecting the children" is a grift that has been used to demonize people of color and marginalized groups. All the while, I cant help but notice the right fails to bring up the fact that Nick Fuentes, who openly expressed his desires to have a child bride, has been wined and dined by Donald Fucking Trump, and yet that doesn't seem to come up when they talk about protecting the children. It's almost as if they'd rather ignore the obvious child predators/groomers that exist on their side of the aisle.

    I'll be kind and not mention all the Catholic Priest bullshit you all tried to ignore a few decades ago because you were too busy trying to indoctrinate your kids to notice the child predators right under your fucking noses…oops.

    Honestly I'm more upset at this than you ever could be, because while LGBTQ kids are being left to be preyed on by whomever crosses their path because their hate filled religious zealot parents abandon them on the streets, fuck faces like you call everyone else a pedo, and then also call those same kids pedos the second they become adults.

    Meanwhile, people who actually have a moral fiber in their body are left knowing Who The Real Groomers Are.

    Again my dude, perhaps you should be asking yourself: