Hey everyone, I’m currently using proxmox to virtualize my OPNsense and another VM. Today when I went to create a third VM, everything crashed with I/O errors, and I realized my local-lvm was out of space. This was odd to me since I have a 1TB drive and only have two small VMs.

To my surprise, proxmox is only using 100GB of my disk. Can someone please guide me on how I can fix this without having to reinstall proxmox? I would prefer to have my OPNsense VM running while I fix this. Here are some diagnostics to help. Thanks


  • @monkeyman512@lemmy.world
    41 month ago

    I can’t give you specifics but generally what is likely necessary:

    1. Backup anything important. You will be doing things that risk loosing data.
    2. Make a bootable USB with a live Linux.
    3. Look up instructions on resizing partitions.
    4. Boot into the live Linux from the USB
    5. Resize your existing Proxmox partition
      • @AbidanYre@lemmy.world
        71 month ago

        I’ve done it before, but there’s always a lot of googling involved. I think a combination of vgdisplay and vgextend may help: https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/resize-lvm-simple

        If sda3 is really <100GB it gets a lot scarier but is likely still doable.

        I’m not a fan of Proxmox’s partitioning scheme and usually use a separate drive for the OS and the VMs because of this exact scenario.

        • notdeadyetOP
          1 month ago

          That led me in the right direction!

          Fixed it with:

          pvresize /dev/sda3
          lvresize --extents +100%FREE --resizefs /dev/pve/data

          Thank you!