• Optional
    603 months ago

    Seriously though, do you guys not see the absolute chaos and unhinged mania behind the eyes and acrylic face plaster?

    She gives me the jibblies.

  • @Gerudo@lemm.ee
    493 months ago

    What honestly keeps me up at night is Drumpy was a test run. They saw what they could get away with in broad daylight. What will they do with the next R as president or control of both houses? They have the Supreme Court locked down, hundreds of down ballot judges, and many more in state and local govs. I feel like I am legitimately voting only to keep a dictatorship from being installed.

    • @Dkarma@lemmy.world
      143 months ago

      Only if they already control the executive branch tho. This is an important reason to never vote GOP ever again.

    • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
      83 months ago

      I don’t like calling it a “test run” because it implies it was some kind of plan. Republicans have been fostering this anti-intellectualism and reality-denying shit for decades, and what happened is that they lost control of the party to prolific conman that could out BS them all.

      However, ultimately, your concerns are not unfounded because now they see how it could work. Trump and project 2025 already have plans in place to weaken every institution in the country if he takes office, and then fill them with loyalists. We were lucky the system held up last time because he wasn’t as prepared to dismantle. And I believe we were only a few key people away from jan 6th creating a constitutional crisis.

      But now they’ve had 4 years of planning with people actually dedicating time to it, it’s scary to think what might happen. . .even if he does leave office.

    • @jkrtn@lemmy.ml
      43 months ago

      That is a fact, not a feeling. The options are either more of this shit or white supremacist dictatorship.

  • partial_accumen
    363 months ago

    LAKE HAVASU CITY, Ariz. — Arizona GOP Senate hopeful Kari Lake told supporters they can “strap on a Glock” to be prepared for the intensity of the 2024 campaign and urged military and law enforcement veterans to be “ready,” as her race heats up in a key battleground state.

    Wow, is Lake advocating for fascists to be attacked by military and law enforcement?

    “We need to send people to Washington, D.C., that the swamp does not want there,” Lake said toward the end of a Sunday speech to a crowd of Arizonans in Mohave County. “And I can think of a couple people they don’t want there. First on that list is Donald J. Trump; second is Kari Lake.”

    Hmm, she’s now speaking in the third person. Ms, is Kari in the room right now? Can I talk to the Kari personality now?

    “[Trump]’s willing to sacrifice everything I am."

    She speaks the truth! Trump is willing to sacrifice anyone to his goals no matter how small or petty.

    "That’s why they’re coming after us with lawfare, they’re going to come after us with everything.

    “Lawfare”? I had to look that one up:

    “Lawfare is the use of legal systems and institutions to damage or delegitimize an opponent, or to deter an individual’s usage of their legal rights” source

    Yep, that sounds right on, brand with what Lake and Trump want for Americans.

    That’s why the next six months is going to be intense. And we need to strap on our — let’s see. What do we want to strap on?” Lake asked as some in the crowd chuckled. “We’re going to strap on our, our seat belt.

    Always a good idea to buckle up when operating a motor vehicle. In fact, in many states, its the law.

    We’re going to put on our helmet or your Kari Lake ball cap.

    Well, if you’re doing autocross, its required by SCCA rules to wear a helmet. A ball cap wouldn’t be allowed. Sorry Ms Lake.

    We are going to put on the armor of God. And maybe strap on a Glock on the side of us just in case.”

    I don’t remember seeing either of those in the Bible. Are you sure thats what your god would want you to do?

  • @GrymEdm@lemmy.world
    333 months ago

    This sounds a lot like, “let’s abandon democracy where every vote counts equally and return to ‘might makes right’ by making sure we have the most weapons at hand on election day”.

  • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
    253 months ago

    “They’re gonna do everything they can to disrupt the election, whether it’s another pandemic, whether it’s going to be inciting the civil war,”

    This fucking nut-jobs are so delusional. It was literally Trump supporters who attacked the capitol attempting to overturn an election they lost. It’s them saying arm yourself and get ready to fight. And they are so deluded they think it’s other people trying to instigate a civil war. Amazing.

    • themeatbridge
      383 months ago

      Crazy magat. Inconsequential on her own, but she is clinging to Trump’s ass hair like a dingleberry.

  • @Sanctus@lemmy.world
    213 months ago

    This bitch has no credentials to lead anyone. Her only experience is reading bullshit from a teleprompter. These people summon their authority from their own assholes.

  • @shalafi@lemmy.world
    163 months ago

    One party thinks the other party is unarmed snowflakes. One party is quite wrong about that. I took the day off to be at the polls.

    • It cracks me up these idiots think they’re the only ones with guns. Just because I’m not wearing a shirt with guns on it or have 100 stickers on my back window letting everyone know, doesn’t mean I don’t have any.

  • @HelixDab2@lemm.ee
    143 months ago

    I’ll go a little farther: people of color, women, and LGBTQ+ people need to get strapped, period. Get trained, and practice as much as you can. Do dry fire (…and maybe make sure that the magazines and ammunition are in a completely different room). Maybe even do some IDPA competitions.

    Cops are not your friends, and they’re not going to protect you when the political right brings violence down on you. Cops will be on the side of the people that want to oppress you.