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The original was posted on /r/printsf by /u/Ryder_Smith757 on 2023-08-18 00:48:56.

My dad just told me about a book he really liked when he was younger but he can’t remember the title and can’t find it by searching, can you help me find it for him.

He said it’s a coming-of-age sci-fi dystopia where a billionaire boy is on his space ship when it explodes. He escapes and gets found by another ship. He ask how long it will take them to take him home and they say about a year because they are on a route and have places to stop at. He asks how much they are going to make on their voyage and offers to pay double if they take him home right away, but they refuse saying they promised that they would stop at these specific locations. So he is stuck on that ship for a year. On the the ship he learns how to not be a spoiled rich brat and do things for himself. Eventually he gets back home and the politics are kinda in chaos because people think it wasn’t an accident that his ship blew up. Also, Earth has been dealing with overpopulation for a while which has split society into the poor and the vastly rich. The poor live in slums and the rich live in towers and hire the poor to be their servants and pay them not very much.

This is as much as he told me for now, I’ll add more if he gives me more details.

He says this book is from the 90s.