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The original was posted on /r/printsf by /u/High-Commander on 2023-08-16 16:19:49.

So the Starfire series was an early work of Weber and in the book without spoilers a human faction goes to war with a genocidal alien faction. Each side introduces new ships, tech, weapons and tactics to win the war. The most realistic part of the books is that the human faction doesn’t pull punches and are fully willing to commit genocide against their enemy because they attacked first.

I really enjoyed it (especially the Weber different POVs with differing views of the war) and recommend a read of Crusade - Insurrection - In Death Ground - The Shiva Option

I do not recommend the later series written Steve White, I could rant about it for several pages, but IMO its not good.

So I am looking for a similar book where 2 enemy factions fight each other while introducing new weapons/tactics with multiple POVs of the war. Also, in the war no one pulls the punches.