No, cameras have never been allowed in Federal Court. This would be a rare exception if it were to be allowed.
Major news networks like NBC have argued that it should be televised on the grounds that the voters themselves are the injured party due to the attempt at large-scale disenfranchisement and therefore voters have a legal right to be able to see the proceedings.
There is also the argument that it should be televised simply because of the importance to the general public interest.
No, cameras have never been allowed in Federal Court. This would be a rare exception if it were to be allowed.
Major news networks like NBC have argued that it should be televised on the grounds that the voters themselves are the injured party due to the attempt at large-scale disenfranchisement and therefore voters have a legal right to be able to see the proceedings.
There is also the argument that it should be televised simply because of the importance to the general public interest.
Thanks for getting back, I can't keep up with all these news and the American gov