John Fetterman unleashed: ‘I’ve already been dead once’

After being treated for depression, the senator is finally having fun – and taking aim at some Democrats

Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) spotted Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) passing a pack of journalists as he made his way to vote and couldn’t resist suggesting a topic of conversation for the group.
“Can you ask my colleague Senator Menendez when he comes back why hasn’t he resigned yet?” Fetterman asked the reporters.

note: I'm not sure about formatting posts. Advice or suggestions are welcome.

  • HubertManne
    8 months ago

    I like fetterman and yeah better to get rid of actual corrupt members. I still can't believe al franken resigned on what was basically nothing. EDITED - no ones complained yet but I was looking over the stuff from franken and back during the scandal I just knew about the skit kiss and pretend to grab boob picture. Which given him being a comedian seemed like some week sauce. Anyway looks like there are at least a dozen others mentioning him being a creepazoid, coping feels in pictures which makes the resignation make more sense although it still galls me the ones who have not resigned for being way worse.

    -458 months ago

    Paywall, didn’t read. I presume wapo is just participating in PR to help Genocide John here a bit. Let me know if there’s any substance otherwise.