This is a fantastic opinion piece by Sanders that lays it out the situation before the Hamas attack, the current situation, and what should be done. He lays out several requirements for peace that aid to Israel should be contingent on. He also notes that Hamas is hurting the Palestinians, which is a detail very few mention.

He's also one of the first people I've seen try to take a stab at what a lasting solution needs to be – two states, Netanyahu ousted, Hamas destroyed, foundations of Palestinian civil government created.

    11 months ago

    If I leave my phone at home I turn around and get my phone or I don't. It's not what is easier or how far I've driven. It's whether it's worth doing.

    Wait, what?

    So the decision making is identical if you realize you forgot your phone after 5 minutes of driving vs if you drove cross country for 3 days?

    That Israel should forgo revenge for humanitarian purposes aside, either your analogy is terrible or you have some of the strangest prioritization I've ever encountered.