For me, its Xena.

Few years back, height of covid epidemic, was living in homeless shelters. Overcrowded slums, everyone miserable, yelling, screaming, fights, abuse, rage. At one point, could feel the anger building in me. Powerless, a victim, desire for retribution. What good was trying to be better person, when all it meant was people walking over me.

Started rewatching xena, hadn't in years. Big message of the show: when surrounded by hate, violence, it's tempting to give in, to not be a victim. But you have a choice, to not continue the cycle, to make a better world. I so needed to hear that message at that time in my life.

What tv show helped you?

    11 months ago

    Thank you for explaining why so beautifully. I tried watching the show and while it was very well done, for whatever reason I just wasn't getting into it. But all people ever say is how great it is and I was bummed I was missing out. I have seen enough of the show to see the threads leading to what you described. I understand now why it is so highly praised.