Closed-source quality be like

      111 months ago

      you dont have to switch

      git will automatically select one that works

      I have the same password protected ssh key for every git site i am on tho. The sites only know the public key so its fine.

    • Wilker
      011 months ago

      have at it!

      taken from Gitlab’s manual page for creating a key, but i wonder what else could be done to expand on it.

      [includeIf "hasconfig:remote.*.url:**"]
      path = /path/to/gitlab.gitconfig
      [includeIf "hasconfig:remote.*.url:**"]
      path = /path/to/github.gitconfig

      #example gitlab gitconfig from the included path
      name = Your Name
      email =
      signingkey = 0000999988887777
      gpgsign = true

      if all works well, Git should be able to automatically use the selected key depending on the repo’s stated remote server.