cross-posted from:

Fossify Gallery (fork of Simple Gallery), Fossify File Manager (fork of Simple File Manager) and Fossify Calendar (fork of Simple Calendar) are now available for download on F-Droid.

(Simple Mobile Tools suite was acquired by an Israeli adware company)

About Fossify: Fossify is all about community-backed, open-source, and ad-free mobile apps. A fork of the SimpleMobileTools, which is no longer maintained, and we’re here to continue the legacy, bringing simple and private tech to everyone.

  • conciselyverbose
    26 months ago

    They’re hoping that the current install base will be too lazy to remove their malware.

    • milkytoast
      46 months ago

      lol I think people who use fdroid sent the kind of people to keep known malware

      but yea maybe ¯_ (ツ) _/¯