• @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    86 months ago

    Another issue with the “moderate” viewpoint trying to split the difference.

    As Republicans get crazier and crazier, moderates follow them to the right.

    It’s why in 2024 the two candidates are both ripping off Ronald Reagan’s campaign slogans from 40 years ago.

    So we see high ranking politicians with a D next to their name, ok with policy that the democratic party said was too conservative decades ago.

    • @Telorand@reddthat.com
      86 months ago

      The bigger problem is if we don’t fund Ukraine, it’s a real possibility that NATO countries are next, and that means we are obligated to send troops, not just guns.

      I wouldn’t be willing to say Biden is okay with this, but Republicans hold the purse strings, so to avoid possible global war, Biden definitely has to compromise.

      I do fully agree that the current state of the GOP is at least partly Dems’ fault for playing ball with people who will stab you, steal the ball, and say they won fair and square.

      • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        The USA isn’t the entire world…

        If we can’t fund Ukraine because of Republicans, that sucks, but it’s life. There’s lots of other countries (like the entirety of NATO) that can temporarily pick up the slack.

        Giving Ukraine a pittance and 10x that to Israel so they can commit a genocide and re-enacring trump era policies that come damn close to America committing a genocide is not a good trade off.

        And shows how exceptionally out of touch dem leadership is.

        Which brings us full circle to depressed turnout and a risk of trump winning.

        • @Telorand@reddthat.com
          46 months ago

          If we can’t fund Ukraine because of Republicans, that sucks, but it’s life. There’s lots of other countries (like the entirety of NATO) that can temporarily pick up the slack.

          So, I agree with the basic premise, but I doubt it’s that simple. Global alliances are likely complicated, so the US failing to fund Ukraine emboldens countries like China, Russia, and NK moving forward with their delusions of grandeur.

          I fully agree, though, that Israel getting special treatment is inequitable, and Dem leadership is out of touch with the people most likely to vote for them next year. I don’t know about you, but I think Biden getting primaried is a distinct possibility.

    • @Zoboomafoo@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Where did you get the impression thr Democrats supported this part of the bill?

      The Democrats fought against it being included

      • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        -16 months ago

        It might help if you mentioned what part you’re talking about…

        Would be super great if it came with a source, but I don’t even know what you’re talking about to Google it myself.

        • @Zoboomafoo@lemmy.world
          16 months ago

          So we see high ranking politicians with a D next to their name, ok with policy that the democratic party said was too conservative decades ago.

          • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            Border security remains a political liability for Biden heading into 2024, as polls reveal voter dissatisfaction over the president’s handling of migration at the southern border. Since taking office, his administration has grappled with record high arrests at the US-Mexico border amid unprecedented migration in the Western Hemisphere – contributing to a shift toward stricter immigration measures within the administration.


            His administration is arresting more migrants than trump did…

            Despite campaigning on fixing what trump was doing.

            Biden, who pledged to restore the US immigration system during the 2020 campaign, is now considering immigration restrictions that stand to have lasting implications for migrants, a move that could backfire with his progressive base. While the tone and policies from the president are still markedly different from former President Donald Trump – who over the weekend doubled down on saying immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country,” language condemned for its ties to White supremacist rhetoric – the concessions from the White House to get aid passed are now frustrating the people who are expected to hit the trail for Biden next year.

            The only difference is republicans are unapologetic about it

            While Biden wants to get credit from both sides.

            He wants conservative votes based on his administration’s actions, while wanting progressive votes for his empty words.

            The opposite will happen. Conservatives care about words more than actions, and progressives care about actions more than words.

            So Biden has pissed off both groups while managing to harm a vulnerable population.

            Really a great example of how moderate politicians fuck everything up.

            Technically tho. Yeah, I shouldn’t have said “decades ago” Biden himself was complaining about it just a few years ago and what his administration is doing today is even worse than what was happening back then.

            But we’re not supposed to talk about that, because moderates want to convince people acknowledging Biden’s flaws are worse than his flaws. They want unquestioned support from voters and us to willing ignore reality.

            Which I’m just not prepared to do.