PHOENIX (AP) – The 2024 presidential election is drawing an unusually robust field of independent, third party and long shot candidates hoping to capitalize on Americans’ ambivalence and frustration over a likely rematch between Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Donald Trump.

      107 months ago

      Being wrong when uneducated and indoctrinated is one thing. Continuing to be stupid in the face of overwhelming evidence is significantly worse. You are literally a joke to Republicans.

        -97 months ago

        They are a lot of pig fucking idiots, what do I care what they think? What evidence have you presented, aside from dogma and assertions? I never plan to vote Democrat. Democrats have never won my vote, they have just tried to bully me for it

          67 months ago

          I just spent a Thanksgiving listening to Republican voters discussing putting liberals and LGBTQ into camps. Stop trying to be righteous. We are living on the edge of the end you fucking idiot.

            -67 months ago

            Thats rich, you’re eating with these people, breaking bread and kissing their cheek and telling me I’m the problem.

              57 months ago

              It’s surprising how complicated life is. I’ve cut off multiple family members but I can’t control who is invited all the time dumbass. Stop being dense.

              Republicans love you for voting third party. And would put you in the camps with my educated ass.

                -97 months ago

                And its good to know enlightened Democrats will sit and eat with them as they plan to March me into a concentration camp. Thanks for your service, braver than the troops o7