• @IbnLemmy@feddit.uk
          98 months ago

          I did look at a map. Gaza is by the sea, and west bank is by the river. Gaza and west bank will be free, doesn't make a great slogan. Frome the river to the sea, Palestine will be free, makes a great slogan

          How is that antisemitic?

            • @IbnLemmy@feddit.uk
              -18 months ago

              I don't know why you are getting so defensive and upset. Also not sure why you think I'm trying to achieve something. Is anyone who defends Palestine some sort of shadowy sinister bearded brown Hamas supporter?

              Christ, go touch some grass.

              The slogan is used by many pro palestinian supporters, and I'm trying understand why so offensive or is this yet another case of culture bullying by pro Israeli zealots.

              And your German example makes no sense. Are you comparing people who want an end to the genocide of an entire people to far right German nazis?

              Do go out and touch some grass…

        • @crapwittyname@lemmy.ml
          138 months ago

          It's not "from the river to the sea, murder all Jews", though, now is it?
          Seems a bit of a leap, what you're saying there?

          • @Syldon@feddit.uk
            38 months ago

            I never said I used it or made any assumptions. This is how some see its inference, which answers the posters question.

            • @crapwittyname@lemmy.ml
              8 months ago

              You said "it is". And it's still a huge leap to infer that the call for freedom of Palestine would require the mass murder of anyone.
              The chant doesn't say anything about harming anyone, and it doesn't say that Palestine is/shall be the only territory between the river and the sea.
              This whole furore about the chant is devoid of logic.

              • @Syldon@feddit.uk
                08 months ago

                Pretty pathetic pedantism. You need more things to entertain yourself with my friend.

          • devz0r
            18 months ago

            OK, well, "all lives matter" doesn't mean "black lives don't matter" BUT we all know what they actually mean. It's called a dogwhistle. "from the river to the season" is also a dogwhistle, because the term comes from Palestinian organizations and people that want to wipe Israel off the map. You COULD just say "one-state" but that doesn't have the fun wink-wink that a dogwhistle has.

            • @crapwittyname@lemmy.ml
              38 months ago

              It's not Lebensraum though. Palestinians are literally being oppressed.
              Why are you likening the Palestinian struggle for freedom from oppression to the genocidal machinations of the third Reich?

      • @Omniraptor@lemm.ee
        8 months ago

        Because it is not enough to simply stop carpet bombing of civilians. If you want to truly stop the violence, that involves eventually giving Palestinians full citizenship and civil rights on the same level as Jews instead of forcing them to live in ghettoes. That's how a free society works. Until Israel does that there can be no true peace. A separate Palestinian state is not an option because of all the illegal (under international law) Jewish settlements in the west bank making a border impossible to maintain.

        Once again, apartheid is itself violence. That's what the slogan is rallying against