So I mean, most of us knew this beforehand and being on the fediverse we probably do not really care, but what was always on the horizon has no happened, the owner of Squabblr finally had enough having to be a decent person and has decided that his site is now “free speech purism”, so he gets to continue to insult LGBTQ people like he always does.

Seems from the comments that some other admins disagreed with the decision (so there were some decent people on that site!) and either left or were removed.

Not entirely surprising the whole thing, granted.

Also, apologies as this isn’t truly reddit news but Squabblr was one of the sites frequently brought up in /r/redditalternatives so I figured this might still be relevant?

    411 months ago

    I’m sorry but I’m never ‘opening my heart’ to bigots, xenophobes, homophobes, evangelists, nazis, sexists .etc crowds.

    There’s 8 billion of us now, we can afford to lose the trash.

    • Kantiberl
      -311 months ago

      There’s 8 billion of us now, we can afford to lose the trash.

      Sounds like you and nazis have more in common than you think.

        -211 months ago

        Unlike Nazis, though, I know who exactly to terminate.

        Nazis primarily exterminated people who they felt weren’t up to their standards. If they were disabled, Jewish or not part of the Aryan purity, they’d be exterminated.

        Whereas I’d take all of the trolls, convicted criminals .etc and exterminate them.

        There’s a difference, dumbass.

        • Kantiberl
          311 months ago

          Your viewpoint is beyond disturbing. The idea of exterminating any group of people based on some arbitrary criteria is horrible. You’re talking about human lives, real people with stories, families, and potential. Advocating for their ‘termination’ like they’re just a problem to be erased? It’s chilling. This is not just about right or wrong viewpoints; it’s about basic human decency. Such a twisted mindset has caused untold misery in the past. Your belief genuinely terrifies me.

          Also, ALL convicted criminals? From shoplifting to murder? Where do you draw the line, o’ holy judge, jury, and executioner? Hopefully you’ve never trolled someone before or we’ll have to send you to the gas chambers. Redemption is not allowed in this utopia.

          • ArxCyberwolf
            11 months ago

            Dude needs to watch Death Note and see what happens when one person takes vigantism this far.

            -211 months ago

            Okay so a murderer who actively decides who gets to live or die is OKAY in your book compared to me wanting to purge murderers. Right, right, okay. I’m done with your bullshit, you just want to argue for the sake of arguing because you think black and white.

            • Kantiberl
              211 months ago

              You may want to look up the psychological concept of projection.

        • ArxCyberwolf
          -111 months ago

          Uhh… dude, chill. Calling to exterminate an entire group of people, even if they’re horrible, hateful people, still makes you no better than they are. You can take away their platforms, prevent them from spreading their vitriol, but extermination is a step too far. They’re still people.

            -111 months ago

            I don’t see you preaching them to stop their shit, so you do it to me. Selective, much? The fuck out of here, prick.

            • ArxCyberwolf
              -111 months ago

              You’re getting too angry at strangers on the internet. Go outside and get some fresh air, pal.