I don't know if this is 100% strictly privacy related but I think it does fall in the sphere of protecting one's right to express oneself privately.

"Government officials have drawn up deeply controversial proposals to broaden the definition of extremism to include anyone who “undermines” the country’s institutions and its values, according to documents seen by the Observer.

The new definition, prepared by civil servants working for cabinet minister Michael Gove, is fiercely opposed by a cohort of officials who fear legitimate groups and individuals will be branded extremists.

The proposals have provoked a furious response from civil rights groups with some warning it risks “criminalising dissent”, and would significantly suppress freedom of expression."

    • ThenThreeMore
      48 months ago

      Oh yeah, because authoritarianism doesn't give large chunks of the labour party massive hard ons too.

      If they'd had their way all our biometrics would be on a database and we'd have to have our id cards with us at all times.

      • @floofloof@lemmy.ca
        8 months ago

        Yes, that's true. Recently though, the ones responsible have been Tories. But I agree. There's a general tendency in the governing culture of the UK to override basic rights in the name of expediency or convenience for the government.

        • ThenThreeMore
          28 months ago

          Oh absolutely. I just think that there's a danger that people will think if the Tories are out of power all of these kinds of proposals will just disappear.