• MxM111
        9 months ago

        Well for one side it is a security issue, and the other side have their main objective publicly stated and action supported destruction of Israel, which by the way have Arab citizens whose rights are the same as everyone else. You can see how one can be easily confused by your statement, right?

        Actually no, I asked rhetorical question too.

        • jorge
          229 months ago

          If we are talking about main objectives publicly stated and action supported, maybe you should listen to the Israeli foreign minister:

          At the end of this war, not only will Hamas no longer be in Gaza, but the territory of Gaza will also decrease

          This isn't a security issue, it is an invasion.

          • NaN
            -39 months ago

            So tired of fucking Biden quotes.

              • NaN
                29 months ago

                I have no idea what you are talking about.

                I am talking about this spineless bullshit every time Israel does anything:

                President Joe Biden warned against any occupation of Gaza, saying it would be a "big mistake."

            • MxM111
              -29 months ago

              I do not listen to political speeches. But I am so tired when people are throwing words like genocide without even 2 seconds of thinking. Should I just go and use “antisemite” in responce?

          • MxM111
            -59 months ago

            I admit, this does sound as grab for land, and yet the goal is not destruction of Palestinians. And formally, grab for land, as bad as it is, is not genocide.

            • livus
              9 months ago


              And formally, grab for land, as bad as it is, is not genocide.

              I agree with this. If the goal is to grab land and for a specific group to leave that land so you can grab it, the technical term is "ethnic cleansing" not genocide.

              In practice, for logistical or ideological reasons, ethnic cleansing sometimes turns into genocidal killing, which is partly why we take it so seriously.

              • MxM111
                -19 months ago

                Sure, the grab for land should not happen, and despite of what one prime minister says, I do not believe it will. The stakes now is just too high to allow right (ultra right even) block in Israeli parament who is in power to use justified response to grab for land, with all that's going on in the world with Russia/China/Iran, etc. I think there is/will be fundamental shift in Israel politics where current ultra right parties with "strong on defense" politics will be blamed for insufficient progress of resolution of Israel/Palestine problem and voted out. But this will happen only after the current war is mostly finished and Hamas is removed from power Palestine. The only way I see out of this conflict is establishing Fatah/PA rule in sector Gaza.

          • MxM111
            -79 months ago

            Is not what I wrote? That it is a Hamas goal to destroy Israel? I do not understand you.

    • @TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
      79 months ago

      Hamas would do it too if in the IDF's position, but that's even more of a reason for us to support Israelis that want lasting peace. Part of sustainable peace would be Israelis supporting anti-Hamas Palestinians. Attacking Gaza doesn't really threaten Hamas' power, but IDF reserves protesting Netanyahu did. If Israelis stop harassing Palestinians, Hamas risks getting replaced by a less fascist government. The goal of Hamas isn't bettering Palestine, but ruling Palestine. Parts of your country being destroyed is preferable to getting overthrown for political entities like Hamas.