Good morning, afternoon, or evening;

I am looking for a self hosted solution for Bookmark backup and synchronization. I just spun up a docker container for Linkding; don't get me wrong this is awesome, but it is missing some things I would like to see in a bookmark backup solution.

A few key things I am looking for:

  • Browser agnostic (at least firefox and chromium based browsers)
  • Automatic backup/synchronization
  • Integration with the browser's built in bookmarks

Anyone have any suggestions?

I am looking to self host, and not looking for something like Xbrowsersync or Firefox Account syncing.

I am open to suggestions!

Thank you!

  • poVoq
    39 months ago

    Yes, this is the best option if you are running a Nextcloud anyways. Although I have also been running it nicely with the more lightweight but then you don't have the Nextcloud app to manage your bookmarks more easily.

      9 months ago

      To sync with Floccus you don't need that webserver, that thing is very customized to deal with Nextcloud bullshit.

      A simple nginx setup with this will get the job done:

          root /mnt/SSD1/web/root;
          location /dav/bookmarks {
              alias /mnt/SSD1/web/dav/bookmarks;
              auth_basic              realm_name;
              auth_basic_user_file    /etc/nginx/.credentials-dav.list;
              dav_methods     PUT DELETE MKCOL COPY MOVE;
              dav_ext_methods PROPFIND OPTIONS;
              dav_access      user:rw;
              client_max_body_size    0;
              create_full_put_path    on;

      The file /etc/nginx/.credentials-dav.list stores authentication data. You can create users with the following command:

      htpasswd -c /etc/nginx/.credentials-dav.list yourusername

      Then point Floccus at your server:
