I’m currently reading the books for the first time, just finished callibans war. I was wondering, should I watch the serie along with reading the books? Does each season represent a book?

  • @ClarkDoom@lemmy.world
    169 months ago

    Lotta beating around the bush in the comments. After you finish the books, then watch the series. There are so many little changes to scenes and characters between the two it will be hard to keep them straight if you consume both at the same time. The major stuff is the same and the spirit of the books is definitely honored in the show but from an enjoyment perspective I’d suggest keeping them separate.

    • macallik
      29 months ago

      Good to know. I finished the series late last month and plan on diving into the show this month

    • I had trouble with the show as the books were still to fresh in my mind. I generally have to do a decade or so between so the details are smoothed away and differences don't jar my expectations. I may try to go back and watch/finish the TV show, but I'm going to wait at least another handful of years.