The EPA decided its scientists were overstating the risks and gave Chevron the go-ahead to make the new boat fuel ingredient at its refinery in Pascagoula, Mississippi.

Poor Mississippi.

    5911 months ago

    They are trying to save money by adding a solvent mixture refined from recycled plastic. But since the feedstock contains a wide variety of junk (called “UVCB substances" or “Substances of Unknown or Variable composition, Complex reaction products or Biological materials”) the resulting additive is a very complex mixture, including many untested and/or potentially toxic chemicals.

    • Che Banana
      3011 months ago

      Black water, the sequel.

      The actor playing the lead hasn’t even been born yet.

        811 months ago

        His mother will be from Mississippi and he will be born with two hearts, and be stillborn.

        His mother will be charged with premurder.

        • Che Banana
          111 months ago

          it will be a kangaroo court, and a cautionary tale told to generations about the woman with no car who tried to sully the oil lords