Luis Chamberlain sent out the modules changes today for the Linux 6.6 merge window. Most notable with the modules update is a change that better builds up the defenses against NVIDIA’s proprietary kernel driver from using GPL-only symbols. Or in other words, bits that only true open-source drivers should be utilizing and not proprietary kernel drivers like NVIDIA’s default Linux driver in respecting the original kernel code author’s intent.

Back in 2020 when the original defense was added, NVIDIA recommended avoiding the Linux 5.9 for the time being. They ended up having a supported driver several weeks later. It will be interesting to see this time how long Linux 6.6+ thwarts their kernel driver.

    5710 months ago

    Riddle me this, why is there such a thing as proprietary drivers for anything? Especially consumer facing products like this?

    Don’t you want anyone and anything using your product in any situation? Help me understand NVIDIA’s bit with this?

    • eltimablo
      6010 months ago

      Driver code might expose some underlying secret sauce they’re using in the hardware. That’s the justification they always used to give, at any rate. At this point, though, it’s probably some code they’ve inherited from an acquisition that has a bunch of legal encumbrance stopping it from being open sources.

        10 months ago

        If they have to rely on obscuring stuff on their user side to keep their secret sauce, I’d say they’re bad at it.

        This is coming from someone who deals with APIs for living.

      1210 months ago

      I assume nVidia have licensed other code that they don’t have the rights to distribute the source code for.

      I get what the GPL fans want here, but it’s just going to lead to a gimped driver, no driver, or an even larger shim between the open and closed source bits. The Linux market is too small for nVidia to care.

        3710 months ago

        The Linux market is too small for nVidia to care.

        The Linux gaming market is too small for Nvidia to care, but the GPU computing market isn’t.

          310 months ago

          So we can add “use an older kernel” and “use a modified kernel with that protection removed” to the list of options.

            10 months ago

            Using an older kernel isn’t a long-term solution. And according to the kernel devs, either using and older kernel in that way or modifying the kernel to remove these protections still violates the license even if it bypasses the technical protections.

            (I’m guessing Nvidia will keep shimming and rely on either not being sued or winning the lawsuit.)

            310 months ago

            As long as they get support for it. Big corps don’t buy anything without 7 layers of scapegoats to point at.

        2210 months ago

        The Linux market is massive for Nvidia. Nobody is using Windows for ML and everybody is using Nvidia for ML.

        • lemmyvore
          -310 months ago

          And the relation between graphical drivers and ML is?..

            • lemmyvore
              110 months ago

              Yes, but you don’t need graphical drivers to do ML on a GPU, you just need the part of the drivers that lets you do ML. Accelerated graphics are almost completely unrelated. Nvidia can stop offering graphics drivers while still ofering ML drivers and still make a very good living.

              Even if they continue offering graphics drivers they don’t have to offer them for free. Their main clients are people who do professional graphical and video editing, who can drop hefty sums on driver licensing because they already pay a lot for the hardware and support. Gamers are a tiny amount of their revenue, and over 90% of that tiny revenue is Windows anyway.

              At this point Nvidia can snap their fingers and discontinue all their support for the consumer market just like that and won’t even feel it. The only reason they bother with free Windows graphics is that Windows gamers still generate a non-negligible amount of revenue by buying the overpriced desktop cards, and the only reason they bother with Linux graphics drivers is because it’s free beta testing. The Linux desktop market is a ridiculously tiny population in terms of gamers, but it’s a sizable population in terms of QA.

                110 months ago

                Yes but this article is talking about the entire nvidia kernel driver… Why are you assuming this doesn’t apply to the parts necessary for ML?

          • Rikudou_Sage
            110 months ago

            Life’s too short to do ML on a CPU. In some cases literally. You can’t do any reasonable ML without a GPU. And you need drivers for that.

        1010 months ago

        All ml, ai, hpc is done on Linux. They are getting a lot of money because of the hype.

        They need Linux drivers. No way hpc can be done on windows. But it can be done on amd

        • lemmyvore
          -110 months ago

          They don’t have to offer Linux drivers for free to the general public though. Ask yourself why they do that.

            10 months ago

            The problem is not mine. Is theirs. They want to use functionality written by others with certain requirements (i.e. that using that code requires disclosing the source code).

            If they are not happy with that, that’s fine. They shouldn’t use those functionalities.

            Problem is that they depends on Linux kernel for their biggest business (data centers). If they don’t support linux, market will shift to amd. As ML user, I am absolutely fine. I can use amd for our gpu cluster. I absolutely cannot use a non linux OS.

            That’s their problem, not linux maintainers’ problem

        10 months ago

        The Linux community is literally Nvidia’s biggest market. The current Linux market share in data centers is currently estimated to be 77%.

        • lemmyvore
          -410 months ago

          And how many of those plans use GPU rendering?

          Come on…

          There’s obviously use cases for Nvidia on Linux but Linux desktop gamers aren’t even a blip on the radar. The reason Nvidia bothers to release free Linux drivers is for public beta testing not for the revenue.

          • Aki
            510 months ago

            Well, gaming as a whole is likely just a blip to Nvidia nowadays. It doesn’t make them money anymore like it used to, data center is where most of the money flows in. It’s just that we’ll buy anything Nvidia sells so we’re basically guinea pigs for their public beta testing.

            • lemmyvore
              210 months ago

              It’s honestly amazing to me that some Linux gamers don’t understand how lucky we are and can act so… entitled I guess is the word? We live in a golden age of gaming on Linux but that age is entirely dependent on the whims of several companies. Nvidia can discontinue their free Linux driver at any time with almost zero impact to them but extremely heavy disruption to the Linux desktop, which is 80% Nvidia. Microsoft can decide to force all game developers to develop for their new API going forward and sub-sum PC gaming into their console operation, relegating Linux forever to retro boxes. Valve can turn to the dark side and sell out to any of the vultures circling it.

                110 months ago

                How in the hell is being a customer mistaken for entitled?

                “Corps can fuck you over” - but they always do, and always will.

                Fortunately they also ‘suck’ at development, since even Xbox is nowadays using same CPU architecture as desktops, so good luck locking that in. And it’s not even like we don’t emulate every other architecture that’s popular enough.

                Also dunno why you left out AMD, they are doing a much better things for Linux than Nvidia.

                Valve is the main one, and god knows what will happen once Gaben quits, though Valve always hated MS and tried to remove their dependency of then for years for their own benefit. But let’s not pretend Nvidia or Microsoft can just decide to remove Linux gaming at whim, as that’s just not true.

        910 months ago

        That’s all I see happening too. The Nvidia Linux drivers will just get worse and not solve anything.

        It’s already a huge pain in the ass to use the proprietary drivers, the open source ones barely work as is.

      • Rikudou_Sage
        10 months ago

        With GPUs being used for AI stuff and all sane people using Linux for servers, no, Linux market isn’t small at all for Nvidia.

      10 months ago

      Likely a combination of 4 things:

      1. They have third party firmware in their blobs that they are under NDA regarding the source code.

      2. They believe in the source code is a large part of their success and don’t want to reveal it.

      3. They believe giving out the source code will allow many inferior variants of the software, impacting their brand.

      4. Control; the more source code they have in mesa the more of their code can be rejected by mesa. Keeping their stuff as blobs allows them to put in whatever hacks they want.