Other samples:

Android: https://github.com/nipunru/nsfw-detector-android

Flutter (BSD-3): https://github.com/ahsanalidev/flutter_nsfw

Keras MIT https://github.com/bhky/opennsfw2

I feel it’s a good idea for those building native clients for Lemmy implement projects like these to run offline inferences on feed content for the time-being. To cover content that are not marked NSFW and should be.

What does everyone think, about enforcing further censorship, especially in open-source clients, on the client side as long as it pertains to this type of content?


There’s also this, but it takes a bit more effort to implement properly. And provides a hash that can be used for reporting needs. https://github.com/AsuharietYgvar/AppleNeuralHash2ONNX .

Python package MIT: https://pypi.org/project/opennsfw-standalone/

  • Scrubbles
    2810 months ago

    Sweet, so us instance owners are literally fighting off a CSAM attack here on lemmy, and a lot of instances have shut down because of it. So, you’re stepping up to host now and will deal with the feds and the laws that are broken? Great, thanks.

    • newIdentity
      410 months ago

      Depends on the country you live in but in most countries there are laws to protect you against abuse. Personally I wouldn’t host anything for anyone except myself because then I would need to give everyone my full name and home address, because that’s the law in Germany.

      There still is the moral aspect of it though.

    • @yokonzo@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Oh screw off with your reactionist attitude, the poster asked how people felt about an action and I answered, no need to get all butthurt

      • Scrubbles
        310 months ago

        Right, and I said that if you’re so against it then you set up and run you’re own instance. I don’t think that’s very reactionist personally, I’m telling you to go do it yourself if you believe so much in it. Until then I don’t really care about how you feel about deserving free speech or censorship when you’re not willing to host it yourself. (There are tools that have one click deploy online, all they need is a credit card, feel free to get started today, tell everyone you allow all of the content)

        • @yokonzo@lemmy.world
          -610 months ago

          See that last line right there, that’s the kind of snarky shit I’m talking about, go touch grass bud

          • Magic Blue Smoke
            510 months ago

            @yokonzo @scrubbles

            I wouldn’t lose any sleep over this one, Scrubbles.

            it’s the same attitude the cat has for being fed on time. he has no concept of what is required for him to have the thing he demands, he just demands it loudly.

            • Scrubbles
              10 months ago

              lol nope, I think this one is hilarious. Wants unlimited free speech and to never be censored but will do nothing themselves to support it, just demands it of other people. The only way to be truly free is to host yourself, and as we’re seeing people will go out of their way to still try to ruin that too.

              Thanks Magic, and saw your profile is Seattle, hello fellow Seattle-ite :)