• duderium [he/him]
      511 months ago

      Ah, okay, capitalism. I can’t doxx myself because that’s fed shit, but the thousands of comments I’ve made on this subject on hexbear should strongly suggest that I am quite dedicated to the destruction of capitalism. Do you even believe that destroying capitalism is possible or desirable?

      • @tsonfeir@lemm.ee
        211 months ago

        Sorry, can’t tell ya all the people I’ve killed, cause that’s fed shit. 🙄 Real convincing.

        Do I think it’s possible to destroy capitalism entirely? No. People don’t give up power and property. Also, humans are greedy and corrupt—but that’s a different topic.

        Do I think we can get to the point where there is significantly less suffering and class gap? I think it’s possible.

            • duderium [he/him]
              911 months ago

              You can disguise your actual identity with whatever words you like, but excusing capitalism is liberalism.

              • @tsonfeir@lemm.ee
                111 months ago

                I never said I excused it. I’m just not deluded enough to think that people, as a whole, WILL actually change even if I want them too. And I don’t go around pretending I’m a badass fighting capitalism, when all I do is shitpost in my echo chamber and lump people into two categories: good and bad.

                But, you keep fighting the good fight, my keyboard warrior comrade. Eventually those memes will capture the youth and pretty soon we will all be communists.

                • duderium [he/him]
                  611 months ago

                  I never said I excused it. I’m just not deluded enough to think that people, as a whole, WILL actually change even if I want them too.

                  I’m not excusing it. I’m just saying that destroying it is impossible. See the difference? /s

                  Do you think that feudal lords thought it was possible (in the 1500s, say) that capitalism would destroy them and take over the world?

                  • @tsonfeir@lemm.ee
                    211 months ago

                    I think you’re confusing my disappointment in humanity as acceptance of their behavior.

                    Like I said, “good” or “bad.”

                    Do you have anything that was produced in a sweatshop? Of course you do. You’re typing on it. So, don’t be all high and mighty now. A real communist would reject such things. I guess you’re just making excuses for capitalism too, liberal.

                    As for the feudal, lords… I’m pretty sure we still have a group of rich people making decisions for all of us, and we just think things have changed—but they really haven’t and most of us are still forced to work to live. Not terribly far from indentured servitude.