Netanyahu reportedly met this month with three foreign policy envoys working with former president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump — who could yet win the election despite being convicted Thursday on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in his New York state hush money case.

Netanyahu, who benefited immensely from Trump’s first term, is arguably hoping for a similar dividend in the event of a second. In the interim, he has openly rejected the Biden administration’s hopes for the Palestinian Authority to take the lead in the postwar administration of Gaza, and he and his allies have shown no interest in even engaging in the White House on reviving pathways for a Palestinian state. And contrary to the Biden administration’s wishes, Netanyahu may soon act on a Republican invitation to address a joint session of Congress.

It’s not just Netanyahu who is waiting for Trump. The evidence is more clear that Russian President Vladimir Putin is holding out for a Trump victory, which would probably help the Kremlin consolidate its illegal conquests of Ukrainian territory. My colleagues reported last month that Trump and his inner circle have outlined the terms of a potential settlement between Moscow and Kyiv that they would attempt to usher in if in power. “Trump’s proposal consists of pushing Ukraine to cede Crimea and the Donbas border region to Russia, according to people who discussed it with Trump or his advisers and spoke on the condition of anonymity because those conversations were confidential,” they reported.

Such a move would fracture the transatlantic coalition built up in support of Ukraine’s resistance to Russian invasion. It would cement the Republican turn away from Europe’s security at a time when Western resolve around Ukraine is flagging. And it would be yet another sign of Trump’s conspicuous affection the strongman in the Kremlin.

    • FenrirIII
      1629 days ago

      Wow, a 1 day old account supporting Israel. What a surprise.

        -1429 days ago

        I have Jewish friends living in Israel. They’ve been living under constant threat, being bombed for decades. If not for the missile defense, you’d see millions dead by now. But yeah, keep talking that Jews are just a bunch of crazy genocidal people, murdering innocent civilians for no reason. Totally not a propaganda.

          929 days ago

          I wonder why they feel threatened? Could it be because the Israeli state has been murdering and diaplacing their neighbors that they feel ethnically superior to for the last century?

          29 days ago

          I don’t know why this downvote as it’s pretty much correct much of their neighbors hates Israelis for just being Jewish. And the middle east is infamous for people’s lack of consideration for civilian casualties. There’s not one single middle east country worthy of support.

          • Their neighbours don’t hate them for being Jewish, they hate them for stealing their homes, routinely bombing them and other apartheid actions.

            Many Jewish people will stand up against Israel for Palestine. Jewish Voices for Labour is such one group in the UK.

            Norman Finkelstein is arguably the most educated person on the issue and also Jewish.

            People don’t hate Jews, they hate terrorists, of which many are Israeli.

      129 days ago

      Being against Israel in context of government is one thing, and being anti-semitic is another thing. Sure, there are people against Jewish people in of by themselves, but they shouldn’t be mixed with people that do not support the current Israel government. Almost no one rates countries by the non-government inhabitants of said country anyway, they all get rated based on their government.

          28 days ago

          Which is why I pointed that there are two different things. Being against Israel doesn’t have to do with being against Jewish people, that I agree. And that’s why I pointed that no one rates countries by the non-government entities. Hell, I will admit to being pro-Israelis (w/ a i) while being against Israel (the government), and likewise, I’ll say the same thing about being pro-palestianians while being against Palestine government.