The order also explicitly limits Trump’s ability to attack witnesses or his co-defendants, including on social media.

    5111 months ago

    Bail should be based on flight risk and nothing else. Imagine if he hopped on a jet to Russia tomorrow what kind of a shit show that would turn into.

      1811 months ago

      I dunno, self exile, and being forever a fugitive felon would be cheaper than a trial with guaranteed outcome. Hard to deny you are Puttin lap dog when you are crashing on his couch.

      It’s definitely worth considering.

      1211 months ago

      That’d be fuckin great imo. I’m sure a good chunk of his cult would follow him there, so their votes would quit impeding progress here; and you KNOW Trump would eventually say something to piss off the Kremlin and get hit ass thrown out the 10th floor window of some shitty hotel.

      That’s like a win-win-win.

      1111 months ago

      Imagine Trump getting elected while living in exile in Moscow. I just threw up in my mouth.

      1011 months ago

      No way Trump survives in Russia long term. He would have an adoring crowd for a few months, maybe a year. Most likely at the threat of bodily harm more than them liking him. Then the crowds thin because he has outlived his usefulness. A new leader for the party has been found. He cannot golf all the time. He can never return to the states. He likely cannot even leave Russia. Slowly he becomes a shell of the man he once was, yelling “Make America Great Again” into a mirror. Then one day he falls out a window, completely by accident. He tripped on the power cord there, or the CIA did it. Thats best case.

      Worst case is Russia doesnt even let him in knowing it would further turn the West against them. Furthering their resolve to support Ukraine. Or worse dragging NATO into the war.

      • SpaceBar
        711 months ago

        His secret service agents would have to be in on it. Not out of the realm of possibility, but him skipping wouldn’t be that easy.