• @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    If they go first, they’re legalizing a drug against federal law…

    Do we really want to encourage conservative states to pass laws against fed law and to refuse to enforce federal law?

    If Biden descheduled, or even rescheduled, then it would be defacto legal in lots of states.

    I get it, Biden is the best option we have, it’s sucks.

    But don’t lie about what he can do to make him seem better. The only way he’ll do anything is pressure. And eve n then only before a big election.

      • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Plenty of Blue states, and that’s not a perfect solution.

        So again:

        Do we really want to encourage conservative states to pass laws against fed law and to refuse to enforce federal law?

        Do you think the federal government should be telling conservative states to ignore federal law?

        Because we’ve already set the precedent states don’t have to follow federal law, and I’m not sure if you’ve heard anything about the supreme court lately but…

        • @Ep1cFac3pa1m@lemmy.world
          42 months ago

          So wait for the rescheduling process to be completed. In the meantime, tell your state to decriminalize it so that once the feds are done people stop getting locked up for violating state laws.

          • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            So wait for the rescheduling process to be completed

            Biden promised decriminalization…

            That’s not rescheduling.

            In the meantime, tell your state to decriminalize

            Many states have laws that make anything on various schedules illegal, and don’t explicitly have laws against cannabis. If a drug is illegally federally, it’s illegal in those states.

            Even if they got rid of their laws, you’re still wanting the federal government to tell states their laws override federal law.

            You’re missing very basic information about this to be so opinionated.

            • @Ep1cFac3pa1m@lemmy.world
              42 months ago

              Cannabis is illegal because it’s classified as a schedule I drug in regards to the controlled substances act. Rescheduling it is decriminalizing it.

              There’s no reason for you to take this so personally. I’m criticizing your opinion, no need to get defensive.

              • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
                -42 months ago

                Rescheduling it is decriminalizing it.

                No, it’s not.


                There’s no reason for you to take this so personally

                Either you have no idea what you’re talking about about, or you’re willfully spreading misinformation…

                You keep saying false things and insisting they’re true, and I keep linking your sources showing why your argument is wrong…

                But all you do is make another false statement

                  • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
                    -42 months ago

                    Hey, I know that link…

                    Although the President may not unilaterally deschedule or reschedule a controlled substance, he does possess a large degree of indirect influence over scheduling decisions. The President could pursue the appointment of agency officials who favor descheduling, or use executive orders to direct DEA, HHS, and FDA to consider administrative descheduling of marijuana. The notice-and-comment rulemaking process would take time, and would be subject to judicial review if challenged, but could be done consistently with the CSA’s procedural requirements. In the alternative, the President could work with Congress to pursue descheduling through an amendment to the CSA.

                    It’s a good one, I know it sucks downloading a PDF, but you really should so you can read it.

          • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
            -42 months ago

            That’s my point.

            The longer moderate Dems drag their feet, the more argument there is precedent state law supercedes federal law.

            Do you legitimately not see the issue with that?

            Are both parties going to be yelling about state rights now? Because I thought we had a while longer before shit got that bad.

            • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
              12 months ago

              States should have certain rights, and I do support full federal legalization. I just also don’t want the president to be so powerful they can override congress and the states because that’s a dictator.

              • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
                02 months ago

                I just also don’t want the president to be so powerful they can override congress and the states because that’s a dictator.

                Like the Southern States during the Civil War?

                It’s kind of a popular opinion again these days, but I don’t agree with it.

                Also, you may be disappointed to find out that the Congress Research Services determined a president is that powerful, and can simply replace any agency head that disagrees with it.

                Now, maybe your comfortable with Biden not abusing that, but whether Biden uses that power or not, every other president has that option.

                So how much do you pressure Biden to change that?

                That’s the thing with “moderates” they won’t use power to help because it might be used to harm, but they do nothing about stopping that abuse permanently.

                They don’t offer any solutions to either side of an issue, be a use the threat of the other side abusing the powers moderates won’t use, is often the only way voters can be convinced to vote for a moderate.

                • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  No, the southern states argued that under no circumstances could the federal government ban anything.

                  And I do think he should replace agency heads. But I’m pretty sure it’s a congressional ban not an fda or DEA ban. But yeah, dude’s a moderate. It’s why I voted against him in the primaries this year and in 2020. But also knock it the fuck off. You sound like a lunatic. You don’t make you sound smart or your opponents sound evil, you make your position sound dumber than it has to.

                  Edit: it looks like it’s banned by scheduling which is its own entire can of worms and the entire scheduling system needs to be abolished or completely overhauled, but yeah my misconception on that is very common so maybe start there rather than by calling people confederates

                  And the reason I fear executive overreach is because the next republican will do it and I want it struck down before my fucking life is ruined as their current favorite target

            • @shortwavesurfer@monero.town
              -12 months ago

              Actually, state law does supersede federal law. Federal law only comes into effect when moving between states. Because a state in the classic definition is a country, not a territory of another country. In other words, each of our 50 states is a country, the country of New Hampshire, the country of Texas, the country of Arizona, and they just happen to have agreed to be underneath a bigger entity.

                • @shortwavesurfer@monero.town
                  2 months ago

                  Yes, we did. And at the rate the federal government is abusing the states, it would not surprise me if we find ourselves an another one. Empires rise and empires fall. Look at history for some examples.