• @self@awful.systems
    93 months ago

    fucking right? like it’s so important to come here and scream a barely changed variant of “I disagree that the ceo is acting unhinged because reason not given” and demand a Very Serious Debate with us

    like fuck me, I’ll take a post defending the ceo if it’s not all bad faith debatebro shit and low effort garbage. if it’s a bad point not made maliciously I’ll just downvote it. there’s also a fair few folks (including some of our regulars) who use kagi enough they can’t dump it because there’s no good alternative. that’s fine! this isn’t a fucking purity test, but this is a honeypot for posters we don’t want here. this instance and its communities will never choose growth over quality.

    also, if any of these fuckers are going to come at a queer person for sharing a tech opinion they don’t personally like, they’d best have something much stronger than “no I think lori’s the unhinged one” cause we’ve seen this game played before

      • @JohnBierce@awful.systems
        113 months ago

        It’s like the classic comic “we should improve society somewhat!” “And yet you participate in society!”

        • @self@awful.systems
          103 months ago

          “you claim to be a socialist and yet you have the money required to survive in a capitalist society, what a hypocrite”