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        -223 months ago

        Meh, can you really say that it’s the proletarian dictatorship anymore when Cuba now has a privileged elite defending it’s grip on power against the poor majority? It’s more like they have become the bourgeoisie.

              • Display name
                -153 months ago

                Ah okey ^^ but that’s my point. The revolution abolished the then existing classes but now the party has cemented into the now ruling class. They enjoy the privileges and aggregate all the power to themselves where the now again born under class can’t do anything. I understand what you mean but I think we have to see Cuba for the state its in, not the promise of what it would become.

                • im sorry, but you have been propagandized. the things you said are nothing but mere repetitions of cia lies about cuba, parroted since the 60s. please try learning about the actual conditions in cuba before and after the revolution before giving any statements.

                  no investigation no right to speak

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                    -113 months ago

                    Well I’m not going to travel to Cuba for the sake of an internet discussion xD But it is true that political opposition is forbidden and the only allowed party is the communist, right?

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          -143 months ago

          Ah thanks. Maybe should have used the proper authoritarian. Dictatorship is just a much easier and more widely recognized term no?

          • well, every state is authoritarian. thats part of the self preservation of any governance, be it progressive or reactionary. if you wanna abolish states alltogether ask the anarchists, since i am an ml and think that authoritarian measures are good for the liberation of mankind.

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              -133 months ago

              Haha yeah in a sense maybe. But the authoritarian meaning is that there’s no free or equal competition for the power so I mean there’s quite a difference between states where there are authoritan and democratic countries.