So, Konsole shipped by default with KDE Plasma, my current Desktop Environment. While I don’t have a problem with it, I am interested in what other people are using, because there very likely is something better out there.

Specifically I’ve seen talk of Kitty and Alacritty, although I’ve also read that the dev of Kitty is allegedly kind of a jerk, so I am specifically interested in how Konsole matches up to Alacritty in your experience, but other suggestions and general terminal emulator discussion are also welcome!

    25 months ago

    Kitty is great until you SSH into a machine where it’s not installed and try to use tmux or some other commandline apps

      15 months ago

      If it’s a machine you have control over you can install the terminfo. Or setting the TERM variable to something like xterm-256color when connecting, that usually works, though I haven’t tried with tmux.

        15 months ago

        I usually just change TERM to xterm but I’ve heard that isn’t a good way to do it

        Also I’d rather not install stuff on every server I ssh into, I’ve installed it on test servers but wouldn’t want to do it on prod

        • rhys the election enjoyer
          05 months ago

          @flashgnash Yep, just once to transfer the terminfo files and resolve this.

          The SSH kitten is pretty useful though. If you use it in combination with kitty’s --single-instance mode, you can start new kitty windows in the same SSH session without logging in again using its shared connection feature. Hugely convenient for how I work at least.

            15 months ago

            I have used it for that feature before, is there not a concern around defense in depth there though? If you’ve got a rogue program running could it not then hijack your ssh connection and infect that machine as well?