A Texas woman has been charged with threatening to kill the judge overseeing a criminal case against Donald Trump.

Abigail Jo Shry, 43, allegedly called US District Judge Tanya Chutkan a “stupid slave” and used another racial slur in a voicemail message she left at the Washington courthouse.

She is reported to have said: “You are in our sights, we want to kill you… If Trump doesn’t get elected in 2024, we are coming to kill you, so tread lightly, b----.

“You will be targeted personally, publicly, your family, all of it.”

The article also includes an expectation meeting mugshot. For people that talk about violence, I’ve never been less intimidated.

    1311 months ago

    As much as I hate to admit it, these willfully ignorant racist fucks won’t stop until they get another war.

        11 months ago

        I mean, we say that, but they have enough collective anger and enough legal connections that they plausibly could start a civil war next year and possibly even win it.

        There’s nothing that is stopping them from banding together and busting out the dumbasses thrown in prison over January 6th and, if they had the will, they could bust this stupid fucking clown out of jail, too.

      911 months ago

      These choads haven’t getting over the whuppin’ they got from the last one. Make sure we hold their head in the toilet bowl for the full 3 minutes this time