• 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


  • I’m from the wet side of the PNW and we have all of those as well, excepting possibly northern widows, I’ve not heard of those.

    I’ve spent weeks in cabins and lived in houses and apartments all over WA.

    Every single time I have ever seen a spider in a house or apartment, its been something that is totally harmless to humans.

    Out in the boonies? Sure, thats where you’ll actually run into some dangerous things.

    That being said, I’ve never lived in MN, perhaps dangerous spiders are a more serious threat in urban/suburban areas, and yeah, climate change fucks up everything.

    Something absolutely absurd started happening a few years ago, right in the middle of Seattle, like 2 blocks from a main road:


    I’ve seen coyotes out in the foothills occasionally, on trails far from cities, in the brush on the east side of the state.

    But… basically that heat wave a few years back, and wildfires and droughts managed to drive a population of coyotes into residential areas of Seattle, likely hunting the rabbits.

    That was pretty stunning to me.

  • Unless I am mistaken, aren’t basically every kind of Tarantula you can keep as a pet non venomous?

    I’m the kind of person that’ll take basically any kind of spider save a black widow and just put it outside while my gf is screaming at 115db to murder it and will then be angry with me for 3 days that I didn’t.

    Poor tarantula.

    Oh right, this ‘politician’ is an amazing argument for lowering housing costs such that people can afford studios instead of living with crazy ‘main character’ people like this.

  • Nah, it was my handwriting, used the same lingo and joke I remember using at the time, took up most of the board… which is why I was so shocked it hadn’t been erased.

    Most of the time people wrote on it, they were gracious with the space.

    Due to typing far more often than writing, and many years later me figuring out oh haha I’m actually naturally left handed, my writing is a fairly uncommon kind of small cap block print, otherwise I am basically the only one capable of reading my non block print scribbles.

  • I recently returned to a hole in the wall restaurant that I used to frequent in my college days. One of the few actual restaurants in the city that never closed.

    A decade later, a semi nonsensical scrawl about being kind and good to people I’d written on a dry erase board while quite drunk… was still there.

    It only needed minor updating to be more gender inclusive, which someone else had done without removing any of my writing.

    When I was frequenting this restaurant, the whole board was wiped every week or so.

    For some reason, what I wrote persisted for a decade.

    I couldn’t believe it.

  • Gatorade and its electrolytes are better than water for recharging and rehydrating after or during significant physical activity.

    Basically, you are correct that an appropriate amount of salts helps you rehydrate more quickly.

    You know what is even better for most people, if your daily caloric intake is not at Olympic levels?

    Pedialyte. No where near as much sugar thrown in, more Vitamins, less carbs.

    This article goes into it a bit more:


    Basically, Gatorade’s additional sugar and carbs mean that it makes sense if you are highly active, have a considerably above average physique, or actively drinking it mid work out or other strenuous activity.

    For more average people, pedialyte probably makes more sense.

    Especially if you are going to pick one to replace water.

  • You’ve got a horrible infection and a fever?

    I’ll be right over to slit your veins and let all the bad blood out.

    (In fairness I think bloodletting was mostly out of practice by the time actual telephones existed, but lol joke)

    Maybe a more time period accurate one would be:

    Your foot hurts? You think its from a badly fit shoe. Ok. Ok. Come over tomorrow and we will stick your foot into the wildly overpowered and unshielded x ray scope and we’ll see what can be done.

  • Sure!


    I am on mobile but the url should fix itself.

    Another running bit he does is…

    Ok, so he calls it a ‘special version’ of Lauren Boebert’s autobiography.

    I think what this means its that the only editorializing is that he adds ‘It was like a fairy tale.’ at the end of all of the maybe couple of pages he reads, which presumably would not actually be in the actual book.

    But you see, I cannot actually tell how much of the rest of what he is reading is direct from the book and hammed up for effect.

    She comes across as having the writing ability of maybe an 8th grader… and the stories are so absolutely absurd… but the problem is that Lauren Boebert is so fucking absurd, I cannot reliably draw a line between what Boebert has written, and what Campbell is hamming up.

    Its … its like reading a diary of the villain from mean girls, except she’s a hick, regularly does crimes, has the trashiest life imaginable, she has infinite self confidence and is somehow self aware but also not self aware at the same time.

  • I appreciate the sentiment, very truly.

    Hah, my entire patriarchal lineage is massive alcoholics, so I actually drink alcohol very rarely, maybe a few times a year.

    I have managed to never get addicted to the stuff or become abusive from it, I’m basically just an absurdly lightweight drinker.

    Two whiskeys like in this pic in a row and I’d be stumbling. Two more soon after and I’d be slurring and stumbling.

    Or, the optimistic take on that is I can get a double shot of bourbon and nurse it for 4 to 6 hours and be enjoyable buzzed the whole time haha.

    Maybe someday I’ll find somebody, but right now I’m quite happy single.

    Maybe a few years go by and I’ll try again haha.

    Either way, cheers mate, probst, etc.