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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • All this sensitivity being mainstream is new to me. It came from all angles in all aspects of life very suddenly.

    Yes you can find some things happening in the past, but sweeping changes were made in the 2020-2022 timeframe.

    That fact doesn’t minimize anyone’s prior efforts, thoughts, feelings, actions, movements, or otherwise. The attempts to fix the English collective masculine date back to 1795.

    As early as 1795, dissatisfaction with the convention of the collective masculine led to calls for gender-neutral pronouns, and attempts to invent pronouns for this purpose date back to at least 1850, although the use of singular they as a natural gender-neutral pronoun in English has persisted since the 14th century.

  • Yeah, 2020 is the time period I’m referring to. I had never heard of it being a thing until George Floyd and BLM movement in 2020, then GitHub changed in response to that.

    I’ve been in IT for 35 years. And I never heard a single negative thing about branch names and master/slave terminology until 2020.

    Perhaps you think that was set aside because IDE hard drives are dead.

  • Sensitivities during Covid ran high. A lot of things changed then. For instance in the software world removing the name “master” from git usage, and on the TV Show Survivor, the host not saying his famous line “come on in guys”. At the same time pronouns became a huge thing, and these seemingly gender specific or sensitive word terms were targeted.

    You are correct, there was a round of this in the 90s or so, where job titles like “waitress”, “stewardess”, “policeman” were all adjusted. I see that as a very different round of language change.

  • I’m well aware how async works in the single threaded js environment. All code blocks the main thread! Calling await on an async operation yields back.

    You’re right, async is commonly mixed up with multi-threaded. And in fact in many languages the two things work hand in hand. I’m very aware of how it works in JavaScript.

    We are agreeing. Don’t need more info.

  • Yes I’m simplifying a LOT, but in the context of background web calls, that was what callbacks became so important for. XMLHttpRequest in IE 5 sparked the Ajax movement and adventures in nested callbacks.

    Prior to that, the browser had window.setTimeout and its callback for delays and animation and such - but that’s it.

    The main purpose of all this async callback stuff was originally, and arguably still is (in the browser), for allowing the ui event loop to run while network requests are made.

    NodeJS didn’t come into the picture for almost 10 years or so.