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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Good point.

    Thanks, you make several good ones too…

    Yeah I’m not a huge fan of lumping everyone in the same bucket just because they all happened to have been born within the same lines on a map.

    I’m sure there are some goose stepping citizens, some who hate the leadership with a passion and those who just want to get on with their lives and pay their bills.

    Sadly armed resistance isn’t an easy thing to effectively get off the ground, especially in an authoritarian nation today. So the fact that there isn’t some wildly ambitious revolution ongoing, isn’t an indication that every resident is in agreement with the decisions their self appointed leaders are making.

    As with China or really any country including my own, I wish the best for the citizenry of Russia but am appalled by what their leaders are doing to the world. It’s not going to end well, is it?

  • Hey, I don’t see anyone here saying those idiots who thought the War on Terror were justified.

    Would it happen this way if New York was being hit over the past 6 days? Considering events like 9/11 and the aftermath of Trump give conflicting signals, I’m not sure, but if it did… I don’t think the majority of people on the continent, from remote Alaska to Halifax to Mexico City, are going to see a random person complaining about how their kids missed soccer practice because of a bomber run like it’s a minor inconvenience to a news reporter and not think “that rich soccer mom is a b**** and she needs to get a clue that we’re at f-ing war”.

    And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that’s not what’s going on in Russia, because somehow I suspect that’s what places like Kamchatka (Easternmost Siberia) is thinking about Moscow right now.

    Basically, “Leaders =/= Citizens”. Please don’t judge people based on what their corrupt government does. I don’t like the CCP but you don’t see me saying Chinese people in general are somehow a uniform entity that is some sort of political hive mind, because that’s not how people work.

  • The fact that unsolicited ads predate television and radio is why I despise marketing so much I won’t even shill my own art projects without shame. I don’t care anymore what service I’m taking from you, if it’s worth anything I will subscribe and if its not I will use FOSS because I will look for you, not the other way around.

    And if the only option is a service funded through ads, don’t be surprised when I dump your abusive asses the moment a replacement comes around, like I did when I moved from Google Earth Pro to uMap, or Reddit to Lemmy.

  • https://newreal.miraheze.org/

    Apologies in advance if the wiki is not 100% working, still in the process of migrating from Fandom.

    The New Real is a near-utopian artificial afterlife created by the Descendants of Mankind in my speculative fiction setting, but perfection is boring and complacency is best kept at bay just short of an uncorrupted world.

    Please keep in mind a few things…

    1. Bread backs currency, or rather the energy used to produce one loaf of bread is pegged at 100 Common Objective Inflationless Negotiables.

    2. The only reason Hitler was even eligible for resurrection is because it was realized 3 million years in advance of his resurrection that denying resurrection to literally anyone is a slippery slope that opens way too many floodgates. Of course, he’s barred from politics outright and barely mentioned (he doesn’t even get a wiki page, because I’m not willing to risk some fucking Neo Nazis trying to use my site to bolster their ideology) in the story.

    3. Every member of the Homo genus who ever died has been resurrected, every injury can be fixed and every mental issue managed. You are not going to end up in a wheelchair for eternity, you can have your arm back or even have it replaced with a cybernetic limb, Autism can be made managable without being “cured”, psychopathy can be trained out of people via neuromagnetic therapy, and pedophilia can be managed by turning off sex drive or through the legalization of fictional portrayals (the latter is controversial, yes, and even I’m squicked out by it, but I haven’t seen any reports of rises in child molestation or other sexual assault against children in Japan and Colombia where they legalized only fictional portrayals, so facts seem to go against current prevailing views; besides, perma-killing a child in fiction is not illegal yet I think it should be). In short, this wasn’t rushed in-universe; the Gaian Holocenic Preserve in the New Real was meticulously planned in as unbiased a manner as possible.

    4. While crimes committed in the Old Real are null and void, things like hate crimes are taken seriously in the New Real. Since death only ever results in respawning like a video game character, if Hitler or whatever other nasty individual from history doesn’t smarten up real fast, they can end up not only being charged for repeating history, but the crimes they committed in the Old Real can be reinstated to make it clear just how much that shit will not fly on Gaia. Same goes for anyone who was on death row for murder, especially for murdering a child.

    Sorry for self-promoting this, but I honestly am considering abandoning the New Real because everyone seems to think that it’s too optimistic. God, I am so fucking sick of Solarpunk, with its winegrowing robotic farm communes and “being more responsible with the environment” when 75% of the climate crisis is the fault of five oil companies. I don’t WANT to give up my lifestyle, and I don’t own a car so the only change I’m morally-obligated to make only applies if my city would provide my neighborhood with some goddamn bus service, which I would gladly do.

  • Maybe its just watching from afar and only having paid attention to politics from 9/11 onwards but it feels like an infrastructure bill is more important than people give credit for. The train crashes and the rail union strike did actually lead somewhere; despite breaking the strike, apparently Biden helped get the benefits the rail union workers wanted for them even after the actual strike was off.

    Aside from that, I’m not sure how even Obama would have handled a pandemic and a war with Russia. I do know that, sad as it may be, there really was no choice. Trump would literally have gone nuclear and/or instituted martial law if he could have and saw an opportunity (like a completely unchecked pandemic leading to widespread death), because it would ensure he remains in power indefinitely, there’s no doubt we wouldn’t even be allowed to discuss this in 2023 if Trump had been reelected.

    As for LGBTQ+, that was a supreme court decision in my eyes and so the blame falls on Trump for that because he hand-picked them for exactly the reason that it acted as “insurance”.

    Anyway, sorry to bother you. I get politics is a touchy subject and I’m not sure what else I can say that’s not tinted through maple-tinted lenses.

  • 97? Shit, I wasn’t aware. If I knew at that time I’d be just a kid terrified they’d kill me too. I think I just found something that I could look into for the sake of helping to make sure this shit never happens again.

    I don’t know why but, sketchy past or not, this President was elected based purely on “anyone but Trump” and managed to do far more than that bare minimum regardless; it says a lot to me that effort was made to improve things under the current American government when they could probably gotten away with anything and no choices would be left that weren’t “your future will be Corporate Feudalism” in the next election.

    My point is that we should punish people after the fact like with every crime, but that yes, those schools are terrible and anyone associated with killing those kids needs to be found and punished for it.

    As for down votes, I don’t know why you chose hexbear as your instance but I won’t judge based purely on something that’s either trivial or personal depending on the person. Interesting that admins can remove a feature like that.

  • I’m not going to deny that either, but considering it happened in the 60s and 70s at latest that’s like being mad at Biden about the War on Drugs, or even being mad at the British Prime Minister for children who died working in coal mines during the Industrial Revolution… Some of these mass graves may or may not be from as far back as the 19th century, IIRC. Still absolutely horrible, if I found about that when it happened (and if I had been born by that point) I would either be even more mentally damaged by it than I am in the real timeline and spend my life hiding in the woods out of fear of people, or in prison for trying to kill the entire staff of a residential school like some sort of child-avenging serial killer.

    I get that prevention of any crime via privacy invasion is precrime, so at least put to death any adult who is charged with killing a child (with a slow painful death for the real culprit if the first guy who was executed was actually innocent; I am not a fan of the idea that wrongful death by the legal system is somehow okay, but honestly it’s never going to be a perfect system) once their guilt is confirmed. No, it’s not ideal, but the alternative is an angry mob demanding the accused witch pedophile (key word accused, as in, not confirmed) be burned at the stake. You want to protect your kids AND avoid totalitarian oppression? Well, that’s the only way I can imagine it happening, please prove me wrong but this culture of “people who hurt kids with sex are evil but hurting kids in any other way is okay because…” needs to stop. Hurting kids in ANY form because you know their word means less than yours and thus you’ll get away with it is sickening, especially if you’re accusing someone else of being a threat.

    Believe me, violence against kids and even unfair restrictions (there’s a difference between “no TV because you imitate stupid crap” and “only 15 minutes of TV a day even though cartoon episodes are 30 minutes including commercials because I’m clueless and want to force my opinions on you”) are no less scarring to a kid while growing up than sexual assault. I would know because I lived in a foster home for two years because I was literally taken from my family by the “Ministry of Children and Families” along with dozens of other kids with disabilities as a plot to “save money” (for Gordon Campbell’s pockets) by centralizing mental health care for children. It’s high time the hypocrisy about children’s safety be taken seriously in instances where it can be: When a child is in serious danger and keeping them unharmed is such a simple decision as “bring them home from that awful place” or “don’t kill them yourself just because of what culture they’re from” and the decision is “hurt the child”, I don’t care whether it was for sex, money or hatred, they’re ALL equally monstrous to make that decision.

    The “against removing downvotes” was a typo I assume? It doesn’t read logically. Also, really hoping that face doesn’t mean you’re trolling me. I get that I talk a lot so I’ll shut up now, just don’t rub it in if you think I’m too wordy.

  • To be honest, if a person is going to study something that will let him earn a lot of money, I’m not particularly inclined to subsidize his success with taxes. A person who has (e.g.) a developmental disability is apparently not very important to you, but my unprofitable writing career is more important to me than fucking money…

    I will not let you declare me a burden for my handicaps including me not being able to go to college, nor will I let you assume that just because I type well it somehow means “he’s just faking it”.

  • Personally, I’d like to see “Canada’s Guantanamo” shut down. Let me put it this way, in Guantanamo a bunch of adults were force-fed protein shakes to break a hunger strike, which is pretty twisted BUT… The place I’m angry about starved families with young kids until the kids ate dirt just to sate their hunger pains, and it’s MY fucking country doing it? NO. STOP IT. They’re innocent kids and even supposed to be Canadian citizens, you arrogant french-speaking oil fund baby bastard, GET THEM AND THEIR PARENTS HOME NOW TRUDEAU.

    Sorry, just pointing out a place I don’t approve of that I can actually back up with evidence and to be clear my previous statement isn’t an anti-China view so much as an anti-corruption view that happened to be based on flawed info. I’m sure the CCP has done some nasty things but I have no evidence of anything specific, and what country at this point HASN’T turned out to have done hypocritical things to people who did nothing wrong?

    Hopefully that can be changed by the nature of federated social media, I kind of feel like there was an atmosphere of persecution of outsiders on Reddit that I haven’t encountered here; When I say something, I know if I’ve screwed up because a reply will point it out. On reddit, the downvoting affected things but no one ever said why. Plus I can look at a person’s post history and figure out if they hate me for my opinion and are just causing trouble, or if they simply disagree and I should consider them a valid critic.

  • Thanks. I mostly posted that mini-rant because I’m unhappy with the current political divides here in Canada and in the US being reduced for too long to “self-righteous and toxic” and “intolerant and arrogant” to such a degree that memes like this are championed by the former while the latter use it as confirmation bias to justify their fear-motivated hatred.

    Personally I would say I’m close to Center-Left and call my political philosophy Neutralism since Centrism seems to mean “compromises with both sides, even if one side is not governing in good faith” and I honestly care less about the social side of politics and more about its effects on people’s happiness.

    So basically, I just feel sick of having to tell all the Woke, TERF and Conservative internet assholes that they are not entitled to having their opinion catered to and that I’m no more a right-winger for something like only knowing English than I am an SJW for knowing slavery in America was only 100% (99.9%?) eliminated in 2012, or a TERF for wondering what the basis is of the public opinion that J.K. Rowling is transphobic.

    What a person does and doesn’t know is not what makes them ignorant. Willing ignorance is when you refuse to accept the truth because it’s uncomfortable, but that doesn’t mean finding the truth is easy. As far as many people around the world knew for decades, Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves at the end of the American Civil War and that was the end of the slavery part of racism, when in actuality the assassination of Lincoln was done deliberately so that the Vice President could undo everything Lincoln tried to fix. If you found that out, did that make you a racist until you realised it, or were you just human?

    tl;dr: People who are extremists seem to have unreasonable expectations of what a good person is, ironically due to their own unwillingness to question what they believe. I’ve been silently trying to ignore it and I think today I just said "screw it, this clearly isn’t Reddit, I’m going to point out that this meme is actually and unreasonably taken as an ideal to be followed or fuel for the hate machine too often.

  • Fuck off, pinkdrunk. I was just trying to make a point about the meme, even I know bi_tux was being sarcastic. And no, I did have to ask someone wtf he said in German, I don’t understand it so much as know like three words (“Deutch” and a couple others) and recognize the similarities between English and German because I play transport simulators and the logistics sim game communities are pretty much centered around Germany and the UK.

    Also nice post history, I see you’re ready and willing to attack anyone who disagrees with you. Blocked.

  • Blame the Chinese lab it got loose from. No, there was no conspiracy or bioweapon intentions or anything, but the rumors apparently weren’t complete BS? It’s just that after thorough investigation the world’s medical officials have found that - strangely, though not unintuitively - the virus really was already known to a Chinese bio-research lab; IIRC, they looked closer and sure enough, a canister of SARS-CoV-2 had been improperly handled and it got out of containment via the wet market where someone associated with the lab passed it on to other people.

    Obviously that doesn’t help the permanent damage to your body, I’m genuinely sorry that - since the vaccine I took to try and protect people was defective - I might have endangered someone by being more lenient than I otherwise would about staying in quarantine.

    That said, in 2017 I was mentally injured. By which I mean, I have never taken recreational drugs and do not have a permanent mental illness that would actually cause the complete, months long mental collapse I went through that year. I still don’t know why it happened, but after years of healing I’m basically the same person I was in 2016, before that mental anguish and constant anxiety temporarily had me acting very little like myself. I was 26 and had not experienced anything like it my whole life despite having Autism Spectrum Disorder.

    It took 7 years to heal from that because I didn’t know and still don’t know what caused my pain and suffering. If that’s any indication of what lack of closure - knowing what caused your pain - does to someone who receives an injury or becomes seriously ill, I hope knowing where this whole mess started, who started it and that justice was in some sense served (a careless person somewhere near Wuhan, China who I’m pretty sure has been fired or worse by now considering how many people died in China itself and how draconian the lockdown measures became) will provide some sense of peace for you.