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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I can forgive some Trump voters in 16. A lot of them were just following the time honored script of republicans good, democrats bad, go team. I knew a few that eventually saw it for what it is and had enough character to admit they were wrong.

    But that’s pretty damn limited. We knew who he was in 16. There were no surprises for most of us during his presidency. If you then voted for him in 2020 you had excuse. You were just a fucking idiot.

    If you vote for him in 24. You’re not only an idiot you particularly hate America and you’re a joke.

  • These are the real problem group. They are hooked on partisan politics and would never support a Democrat, but this comes at the cost of the cancer growing among their ranks. I dont think these people are all classical racist fascists. These are Christian church going family men entering middle and elderly age. They are in fact generally good people and they are proud of that fact. These are the ‘nobody wants to work anymore’, 'I worked two jobs to make it through college ’ crowd. But they have done well and raised good families. They are in my mind good people, hard workers, and good leaders. But they can’t get past this us vs them mentality. They don’t like trump and the maga shit but only because it makes them look bad. They want to be taken seriously and maintain their honor but it’s real hard when your new maga friends keep wearing swastikas.

    They are conflicted and angry and have signaled that no matter what, the majority of them will place their pride above all and vote for Trump again and again. They just can’t accept that shit got away from them and their great monolith party of principles and honor is anything but. They have to find any way to both sides it and make the maga cancer seem like a common problem amongst their enemies ranks as well. To them it’s not a maga problem if they can create a boogeyman. BLM and trans people invading schools.

    It falls apart quickly under review, so that’s why they don’t review. If you get your news by reading headlines and you get your headlines from fox news, you’ll always have a safe space.

    These men and women are inadvertently killing America. They are blind to it because their victory would seemingly benefit them and cause no problems. They don’t realize the true ramifications because they dismiss all of that as liberal overreaction.

    This is the group that scares me, just because they yield so much influence.

  • This isnt even factoring in the mass extinction event that was the covid pandemic. At first it hit everyone equally but once the vaccine came out and they decided to die on their stupid little hill the numbers skewed disproportionately towards the unvaccinated being the ones impacted in subsequent waves. We have confirmed this now in a few studies and I saw it first hand working in the emergency department.

    That absolutely accelerated the trend you’re describing and I think they are just now realizing that the maga train is careening towards its demise and their bold strategy to worship a conman is going to cost them everything.

    This year will be the final deciding factor on that. If we can rid ourselves from trump we can prove that there is still hope for this nation. I’m not so naive to think that there won’t be a new conman to take his place and we won’t find ourselves in an endless fight. But if we can’t stop trump and he somehow gets back in power then there’s absolutely no hope for this nation.

  • I work as a hospital supervisor. I honestly don’t know of any facility where you can’t get saline iv flushes. Most nurses have pockets full of them each shift. If you didn’t have that for some reason you could get sterile saline and draw it up yourself, also would be easily obtainable.

    My only thought here is that the person didn’t want to leave the room when administering drugs and so they used tap water as an easily sourced replacement for the drugs they was stealing since there is a sink is every room (at least in most hospital rooms).

    The real answer here is that drug addiction overrides rational thought and they either didn’t know or didn’t care that tap water is not safe at all for iv administration.

    We see lots of cases of diversion unfortunately because these drugs are just so damn addictive and there are only so many safe guards you can put in place to protect against it. At the end of the day no matter how many checks there are you will eventually have a clinical staff member drawing up the drugs and administering it. As long as this remains the case you will have people that abuse that weak link in the chain.

  • Every cent we spend in Ukraine is arguably the best return on investment the US has ever had. With no US casualties we have effectively purchased the decimation of our enemies military and crippled their ability to wage any meaningful military action for decades.

    Had Putin been successful in Ukraine he would already be setting about plans for the next bullshit excuse to invade the next nation. We played games with Hitler and conceded nation after nation only to find out that he had no intention of ever stopping. These men are all the same.

    We can have a conversation about the billions of dollars wasted by the US government every year, this is not one of those instances.

  • This was a scam from the start. They fucked themselves because their trailer was popular and they promised the world. Their goal was to create a shit early access game with pre-made assets, get lots of buy in when it was released, endure some bad reviews, promise to fix things but then slowly dump support for the game. I’ve watched this exact thing happen probably ten times now.

    What killed them was the hype and popularity. They were called out immediately for what they were doing and got stuck having to now make an actual game or face legal repercussions.

    At the very least these cash grabs are getting spotted early and they’re not getting to sneak by without facing consequences.

  • Don’t interpret me as saying I’m supporting what they are doing currently. I said explicitly I don’t. But after an attack like that I’d fully support military action in the area. You’re a fucking fool if you think any modern nation would ever accept that and just sit by without responding.

    The problem is in what the response is. Is it a prolonged occupation going building by building? Worked out great for the US. Israel and the US should definitely set about the framework of taking out anyone claiming to be hamas leadership outside of the country. Anyone who had a hand in that attack.

    Again the response isn’t indescriminate carpet bombing, but there must be a response.

    Now you tell me what it should be. It’s super easy to sit in your tower and pretend like you have all the answers when we both know you’re likely full of shit.

    I at least can admit what reality is here. As far as I’m concerned anything else is just people spewing bullshit when they have no idea what they’re talking about.

  • Yeah there certainly are a lot of people with strong opinions about Israel and Palestine that haven’t so much as taken the time to open the Wikipedia page about the conflict. TikTok said it’s cool to be pro Palestine so that’s good enough for quite a few people.

    I’m certainly not supporting Israel’s actions currently but man how many people so quickly forgot what hamas did only a few weeks ago. It’s like it never happened.

    I think you can be anti genocide and anti carpet bombing while also believing strongly that hamas doesn’t need to exist anymore and it’s members are terrorists that deserve the same treatment that Isis and Al qaeda received.

  • Hes tried to cancel student debt (and for some people he’s been successful), he’s taken steps to reform federal Marijuana laws, through his support of Ukraine he has effectively crippled one of our biggest enemies without the loss of a single American soldier, the economy under Biden is rebounding post covid with record low levels of unemployment, he’s passed pro lgbtq legislation, improved access to care for veterans, put more minorities and women in government positions, including one on the Supreme Court, than any other president in history. The list goes on.

    The meme is that Joe Biden is a confused old man. He is old, but he’s one of the most effective politicians in our lifetime. I don’t agree with all of his policies but don’t get sucked into the lies and falsehoods that are spreading across the internet.

    Sometimes I think it’s better for people to think about what history books will show in 30 years. When the dust settles and we look back at a president’s legacy it’s often a much different story than when we were living through it. When Nixon was in the white house the county was divided with many people supporting him even as Watergate blew up. But do we remember the position of those people? No. They were wrong. When emotions were taken out of the equation and historians could go back and look at what actually happened we learned just how much of a racist criminal piece of shit Nixon was, how he killed thousands of service men and civilians for political gain. None of this is disputed, it’s just the facts of how things played out. Biden and Trump will get the same treatment. I don’t think anyone with half a brain has any illusions about what they will say about trump, but if we solely went by Bidens presidency up to now and gave it that treatment he would be seen favorably. That might not be what you would like to hear, but it’s the objective truth.

    Now you are correct, the dems need to be hammering the shit out of this message and make sure people don’t get fooled by the misinformation that gets spread invariably around election time, but to suggest nothings been accomplished and that the dems haven’t done anything is categorically false.

  • Basically my take. My view is that we need the old guard centrists to die off and we need to see more millenials and Gen z step into political positions.

    It is of course a double edged sword. If you reformed the democratic party to actually adhere to current popular liberal progressive policies you would see a lot more shit getting done. But the millenials and Gen z Republicans are all cartoonishly evil and we are eventually going to have only maga qanon uneducated conspiratards making up the other political party.

    The left has to win every election from here to the end of time. The loonies only need to win one more.

  • No I don’t think that’s accurate. If McCain or Romney had won I never had a fear that our democracy would have eroded. I certainly wouldn’t have agreed with all of their policy choices but both men I think are old guard politicians and would have largely done the job with an undercurrent of honor that just doesn’t exist with trump. I never would have had any fear that if they lost the next election they wouldn’t peacefully turn over power.

    With trump all of that has changed. The only reason his coup didn’t work is because most everyone involved was dense as fuck and couldn’t come up with a cohesive strategy to get it done. Give him another chance and 4 years to prepare and he will find success.

    Biden is not the candidate I wanted, but he’s the candidate we’ve got, and in our broken political system that’s as good as it’s going to get. We can talk about 3rd parties and changing the system but none of that is happening before 24.

    The polls are right about one thing. Trump definitely could win again. That should be very alarming to any rational American.

  • Polls are completely unreliable, especially this far out. They predicted trumps loss the first go around and we endured 4 years of that POS. They predicted red waves the last 2 election cycles and it never manifested.

    Its a problem with the techniques they’re using to gather data I guess. Whether it’s the cold calling or what, I don’t know, but it clearly isn’t effective to get honest assessments anymore.

    That being said it will never not blow my mind that it’s even slightly close. Last election millions of Americans sat through 4 years of trump and said yep that worked out great for me. Everyone I talked to who was in that camp had various incorrect reasons but you don’t need to be right, you just have to feel like you’re right.

    I think the reality is that Biden is not and has never been a popular candidate. His age works against him. Kamala is equally unappealing and doesn’t help things either. The biggest problem right now is that Biden has come out very strongly pro Israel (which every single president has done including Trump) and he has not done enough to condemn the Israeli genocide. Millenials and Gen z are at the very least anti genocide and largely pro Palestine so that’s not helping his case, although they’re short sighted if they assume Trump would be the better answer here.

    If Trump wins our democracy is over. ‘Oh you’re overreacting’. Yeah they said that to me before Trumps presidency and I was correct then as I am correct now.

    We have to get through 24 and not have a deranged traitorous lunatic take the reigns of the country again. We can discuss the next steps in the post Trump era but we won’t get the option to discuss it if Trump somehow wins.

    Vote like you value this country. Convince others to vote. Apathy is a vote for Trump. Choosing not to vote for Biden because you’re anti Israel is voting for Trump, who is also going to continue right along supporting Israel.