You might see if you can get this to the Meidas Touch guys too. They could help research and amplify this to the national media
If that’s how you chose to interpret it, nearly every bible sold is guilty of it since most have indexes or other addendums
Now we just need someone to leak his medical records
Look, I hate this too, but that’s not what that passage means, clearly. Addendums aren’t the same as adding new fake scripture (although since there are multiple ideologies on what books of the Bible should be cannon, who’s to say). Put your pitchfork down.
I think this guy is more akin to the ancestor:
Your use of the word “you’re” is bad and you should feel bad.
Edit: We all know what your edit was. Own it.
I’m surprised you managed to figure out how to make a Lemmy account considering you can’t even tell when more than one person responds to you. And acting all wounded when you didn’t bother to RTFA and someone is kind enough to spoon feed you anyway is very reddit of you.
You fucking true patriots just. Wont. Stop. Until every single traitorous criminal is in jail. Conservatism is a mental disorder.
There. Fixed it for you
And this is why you STFU as soon as you’re indicted, then act contrite after you’re convicted, until after your sentencing. What a dumbass, in addition to being a horrible person. I hope she enjoys the FO part of FAFO
I know many agencies charge per page to fulfill these requests, so hopefully with the broad scope of this one it will be more than the odious Heritage Foundation wants to pay.
This is closer to what that thumbnail reminds me of
Not to worry, the wife will do all the cooking cleaning and housekeeping, as God intended. And if she doesn’t like it, too bad, the Bible says wives are to submit to the will of their husbands, so she’ll suck it up and do as she’s told.
That’s what they actually believe, don’t hate me. I grew up having this BS crammed down my throat, and even as a kid I thought it was ridiculous
Freeze peach for me, but not for thee
In winter the sun causes really strong glare off of snow, and the sun sets sooner than in the summer. He probably started riding when the sun was up, and didn’t think to bring a clear lens for his goggles for when the sun set.
I never saw my school’s guidance counselors as people of trusted authority. More like Mr. Mackey from South Park. M’kay
Show me where Republican policies would solve any of that. I’ll wait.