• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • It’s totally possible for everyone to vote with a paper system. We manage just fine here in Australia, and have massive turn out because it’s mandatory to vote as a citizen, you can vote in advance, via mail, and elections are always on a Saturday.

    The US has more people, but that just means you have more people to count votes, this scales just fine.

    Not to mention, there are places in the US who have paper ballots.

    I’m not sure there’s any situation where electronic voting could be claimed to a suitable way to provide more access to voting. It’s very, very easy to vote here in Australia, much more so than many places in the US.

    You just have to actually provide the resources to do it.

    I think this is a binary, in the case of elections, electronic is worse in terms of security, and the benefit of not needing to count up votes doesn’t make up for this.

    Unless you manage to find a more secure electronic method.

  • Sounds like a failure in the election procedure. I agree the fact this incident isn’t widely known (I’m not in the US, so I’m taking you’re word for it), is very troubling, and it’s no wonder trust in elections in the US is so low. Republicans wouldn’t be able to claim fraud if the system was entirely standardised across all electorates, and properly overseen. I note, there are other countries where the only election disputes are over the fairness of the voting system itself, and not if there is fraud (Australia, which is where I’m from).

    These people you mention should be in prison. If they’re not, then as a country you’re basically asking for election distrust.

    My initial point is that while Republicans who claim election fraud are likely wrong (seeing as, you only need to cheat when you’re unpopular, like the Republicans are), as a country, if you stick to your electronic voting, and non-standardised elections, you’re basically asking for voting fraud and distrust in the system.

    I find way too many people online defending the voting machines, simply because their team won.

    I feel entitled to comment on this as a foreigner, because I live in a vassal state, and this shit affects me.