• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • First, link some sources of how China/CCP is using TikTok in anyway different that Facebook to get data on its users, specifically the comparison to malware. I don’t think OP is overreacting and I do think this is a slippery slope (some entity outside US jurisdiction owns a successful app - this is clearly a message to all other companies and startups outside US jurisdiction that they will meet the same fate if their idea becomes too successful). And yes, I’m sure you will “but but CCP” here, and I will say show me proof TikTok is doing something nefarious (that’s any different than what current platforms are doing - all I’ve ever heard is fear mongering that China “could” do something something etc blah blah)

  • Yeah I think there is a bit of a disconnect with gun people. Some people are purely about self defense, some people are just genuine enthusiasts, and then there is the group of people who like to pretend they are part of the first two groups but really seem to have a lust for blood - be it fear (someone rings the door bell, or mistakenly drives down the driveway), perceived persecution, political ideology or just downright racist shit.

    Antigun people seem to think everyone who likes guns is part of the last crazy group. It’s a bit hard to really tell who is who sometimes, but it’s definitely impossible to keep the guns out of the crazies hands.

  • Amazing how people don’t understand the dynamics of a proxy war with Russia, but let me explain it. Russia wants to invade our allies, and if they attack a NATO country (which they absolutely want to, Ukraine was geographically in their way) it would cost us so much more money and lives. Fighting this proxy war, and defeating Russia, is the the absolutely cheapest and best possible outcome for US interests (i.e. the US is not doing the fighting, it’s supply a fraction of what the US was absolutely going to have to spend if Russia was successful).

    Now funding Israel’s land grab n’ genocide is a whole other thing, just as us funding the house of Saud (the guys who have spare billions laying around to bride presidents…).

  • Your right, but I think there is something there. I was watching a girl gamer/streamer (whatever you call them) give an entire talk about how she is against feminists or someshit, and the 4chan crowd were spamming the link and calling her based - so I decided to check it out and it was her complaining about getting drafted, being a triggered armpit hair snowflake, some other dumb shit - really fucking idiotic stuff. (Her name was Brittany venti and something about feminism ruining her life for the curious).

    If I didn’t know any better, it looks to me to be the alt-right and by proxy, conservative strategists, trying to find the latest wedge issue to attack women and women friendly causes - flinging shit around and seeing what sticks

    In my circles of friends, I’ve been hearing girls make dumb comments about feminism as well, so there is something bubbling under the surface. None of them can articulate anything though