Homo Homini Lupus Est

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • I don’t know. You wouldn’t really need it, if you’re concerned. If you’re fine you can just C&P or even let keepassxc use it’s auto-type. So no addon needed. It’s just more comfortable. And you can never have security AND comfort. Security is absolutely always uncomfortable.

  • Even IF there was a quantum-safe-cryptography, doesn’t change the fact, that your most private stuff is in a cloud and you have absolutely no idea what the future might bring. And if i have anything in the past decades in the IT, then it’s that there is always a past-past-something.

  • Sorry, but religion has nothing to do with beliefs. Why do people always mix those? There’s also a difference between stealing for hunger and joining a drug cartel. You join a religion and take over their “beliefs”.

    Religion is for the mentally handicapped who can’t think for themselves but need a group who tells them what to think. So they feel “connected”.

    Besides that intermixing of terms, you’re not wrong. Have a belief. We all believe something, even if it’s nothing. I even love talking about people’s beliefs. As long as they’re in no cult (or religion), as i don’t want to interact with those. It’s like talking with a plant.