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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2023


  • " Siding with Yemen " is a bit rich. The writing is on the wall for the current regional war to expand into a proper world war. They don’t want their infrastructure, be it shipping or oil related to be hit by missles.

    It’s one thing to carry out an air campaign halfway across the earth where your enemy cannot reach your homeland. It’s a bit different when the war is in your backyard and not on the television.

    Same reason why Saudi Arabia is so squeamish about this whole air raid campaign. Both nations host American bases and troops. They are the logical first targets for the Houthi’s to attack. Signing off on this would be stepping foot into the ring as a meatshield, with little to gain from this charade.

    Yemen has already been bombed back into the stone ages, infrastructure wise. More airstrikes will not break them.

  • You're being downvoted but you're not really wrong. Biden just sent millions of more dollars to the cops " to protect schools " as if American police departments aren't already some of the most heavily armed and well equipped police in the world right now.


    The Republicans are definitely more overt in their anti women and anti queer rheortic and actions, but the dems are fortifying the military industrial complex when the writing on the wall is clearly that these weapons will be used agaisnt the people domestically rather then protecting any schools or whatever bullshit reason they come up with.

    Many police have been openly supportive of fascist movements and helped facilitate Trumps election in the first place. Not to mention most American cops seem to think that the BLM protests were worse then J6. Giving them more weapons and power will only result in more death for the average person. They're a quasi military/state within state force at this point.

    The fact that this critism is not taken at face value is insane. Biden is a racist bootlicker in his own right. Democrats will sell the rope to the Republicans that they will use to hang them with.

  • I mean, America has litteraly killed millions of Muslims in the middle east and invaded Iraq without any actual evidence of WMD's.

    Say what you will, but American politicans of various leanings have more or less supported mass slaughter of civilians because their brown and they won't face any serious consequences for those actions.

    People get butthurt about the constant use of the word " Nazi " but replace the word " Jew " with " Muslims " in the current American media sphere and you can see how the similarity between those advocating for the " final solution " don't sound all that diffrent then this lot really.

  • The Israel situation is not helping (in the near term, at least).

    Yep. This is a issiue sensitive to many black folk in the USA as well. Democrats unwavering support for the police and more or less indifference to the worsening economic conditions for the black community at large will not help either.

    Biden will also likely more formally deploy troops into the middle east after some sort of golf of Tonkin esque incident takes place in the Mediterranean.

    More talk of war on terror after a pretty difficult recovery from the pandemic is not music to anyone ears, especially not the working class Black people who have a really hard time these last few years.

    Biden is not the man who will get these people back on board.