Republican senators are growing increasingly alarmed at Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) inability to pass spending legislation over the staunch opposition of a small group of conservative rebels, and fear a government shutdown may be days away.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), who’s had to deal with the political fallout of government shutdowns in 1995-96, 2013 and 2018-19, warned Republican lawmakers on the other side of the Capitol on Tuesday that shutdowns are “a loser for Republicans, politically.”

McConnell made his comments after House Republican leaders canceled a key procedural vote on a stopgap funding measure that was scheduled for 2:30 pm Tuesday amid opposition from disgruntled conservatives.

  • Billiam
    1139 months ago

    "I never thought leopards would eat MY face," sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party.

    Turns out, when your party's platform is breaking government, you shouldn't be surprised when your party breaks the government.

    9 months ago

    Our cousins out in bumblefuck elected their ‘Pub clowns and are surprised they’ve got a circus.

  • _justforfun_
    669 months ago

    Says the guys who can't approve military promotions because of one guy.

        49 months ago

        Schumer preempted it too, Tuberville was going to try and force the votes to happen. Schumer managed to blunt any victory that could be claimed.

        I wonder if this'll end up making things worse for Tuberville too. Holding individual votes highlights how long it would take to do every promotion manually, and Democrats can point out that Tuberville is specifically hurting the lower rank people.

    9 months ago

    Oh right - the chamber that could have twice removed the guy who started a lot of this shit but chose not to.

    Time to deal with the same frustrations that we have for years now because of these people and your enabling of them. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

    Edit: is that thumbnail from when McConnell had one of his freezing episodes? What an odd choice for this article….

    429 months ago

    Okay McConnell says government shut downs are a loser for republicans politically. Why though? I assumed at this point they could do whatever they wanted and no one in their party would care. Are their doners getting money from the government or something?

      599 months ago

      Because they're infighting in public. If they had these discussions behind closed doors, and publicly blamed the democrats, the turtle wouldn't have said anything.

    • squiblet
      229 months ago


      No, the government doesn’t sponsor kebabs because they are foreign influence.

    • theodewere
      169 months ago

      lots and lots of people don't get PAID when the government shuts down… this upsets just about everybody… not getting paid for work…

      159 months ago

      Usually they can wrangle everyone together and push a unified strategy. But the House majority is so razor thin that even a couple dissenters make it impossible to do that. This is just an echo of how difficult it was to get McCarthy elected speaker. A couple Q loonies can hold everyone hostage, including the repub leadership.

      • TechyDad
        189 months ago

        A strong House Speaker might work with the Democrats to come up with something that both the Democrats and the saner-by-comparison Republicans could support. Then, when the Freedom Caucus had their toddler temper tantrum, they'd be overruled.

        But McCarthy instead gave all the power to a handful of our people whose goal seems to be "give me everything I want - even the things I think up on the fly - or I'll burn down the government. Also, I might just burn down the government anyway."

      139 months ago

      The federal government is the largest employer in the United States and the hardcore R base isn’t big enough for them to get away with pissing off people on the margins. Sure, the true believers will blame democrats. But if a relatively small percentage of Republican voters get pissed and don’t bother voting, they’re not only not going to win the White House, they could easily lose the house and their shot at controlling the senate. And what pisses people off more than not getting paid?

    419 months ago

    Literally every single person who ever watched the orcs killing each other in Lord of the Rings could have predicted this.

    • Hairyblue
      289 months ago

      As a LOTR fan I love this.

      "looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!" Says Republicans as they stab each other.

  • ivanafterall
    269 months ago

    I'm impressed Mitch is moving and speaking again. What a specimen. We're in good hands.

    • theodewere
      109 months ago

      when was the last time he said anything that a GPT-Mitchbot wouldn't… we could keep his exact joie de vivre going indefinitely with current levels of digital horseshit…

  • stopthatgirl7
    179 months ago

    Aww, sounds like they’re not liking all those chickens coming home to roost.

  • theodewere
    139 months ago

    he's not really trying to explain politics to these chimps

      • theodewere
        9 months ago

        chimps are actually pretty nasty, and natural killers… they're not as ideological about their hostility toward their own kind in the wild, as their counterparts in the Chimpublican Party in Congress are toward us…

  • Dem Bosain
    89 months ago

    There's nobody in America that can unite the Republicans. Putin might be able to do it.

  • StarServal
    79 months ago

    Sounds like the taste of your own medicine is bitter indeed.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    59 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Republican senators are growing increasingly alarmed at Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) inability to pass spending legislation over the staunch opposition of a small group of conservative rebels, and fear a government shutdown may be days away.

    McConnell made his comments after House Republican leaders canceled a key procedural vote on a stopgap funding measure that was scheduled for 2:30 pm Tuesday amid opposition from disgruntled conservatives.

    Cramer said members of the House Freedom Caucus should feel good about the debt limit deal McCarthy negotiated with Biden in May to effectively cut nondefense discretionary spending programs and implement new work requirements for federal food assistance.

    He said McCarthy will mostly likely have to rely on Democratic votes at some point to pass government funding legislation, something that the Speaker hasn’t wanted to do for fear of antagonizing conservatives in the GOP conference.

    McCarthy tried to mollify House conservatives last week by giving them the green light to move forward on an impeachment inquiry into Biden and his family’s finances, but that still wasn’t enough to quell an internal Republican battle over a continuing resolution to keep federal departments and agencies operating past this month.

    Republican senators say even if members of the House Freedom Caucus force a shutdown, it’s unlikely to result in Democrats agreeing to any significant spending cuts to get government workers back to work.

    The original article contains 1,055 words, the summary contains 226 words. Saved 79%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

    59 months ago

    Them alarmed at what is happening in the house while Tuberville is blocking necessary appointments in the Senate… Those MAGA people, like Jordan, Graham, Paul and Scott are going for McConnell seat in 2024.